Salsa Rhythm

Master Salsa Rhythm quickly and with a lot of fun!

Total ratings

4.39 (Rating count: 708)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Easy to understand interface for learning rhythms
  • Helps with ear training for salsa music
  • Great tool for practice sessions and teaching drills
  • Ability to isolate instruments and understand their timing
  • Works well after updates on recent Android versions
  • Low audio quality and sound issues
  • Control panel visibility problems
  • Frequent issues with antivirus software flagging it as malicious
  • Lack of visualization for beat count and other features compared to desktop version
  • User interface design needs improvement on Android
Most mentioned
  • Audio quality is low and MIDI sounds are often unappealing
  • Control panel issues affecting usability
  • Antivirus software flags the app as potentially harmful
  • Interface is easy to use but could use improvements compared to the iPhone version
  • Useful for learning timing and rhythms in salsa music
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.40
All time rating average: 4.39
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21% (5)
Date Author Rating Comment
p nelson
I bought this app mainly to help me learn to pick out the 3-2 and 2-3 son clave and rumba clave rhythms in salsa music and the design of this app makes it easy to do ear training for that. The interface is easy to understand and I picked it up very quickly and I'm finding it very effective.
Marc Valle
UI issue fixed! Working like a charm again.
vivek rk
Works well on Android 15 now. thanks for the update
Saramilet Jordan Forty
The top control panel is not visible, so I can't play the music. Wrote to support and appears that the email doesn't exists
Rafa Ortega
Control pan is not visible. I can't play the rhythm.
B Benedict
This app doesn't work on the latest pixel 9 pro on Android 15. I literally can't press play or control anything. Please fix
Ryan Kurz
Good app but latest update I can't scroll up or press the play/pause areas so it's basically unusable.
Wil Lazo
Great tool for learning salsa timing
Chris A
Great for learning salsa rhythm
Igor Liverant
Missing visualization for beat count which is available by default in the Browser - this is very disappointing as the feature is super useful. Otherweise a good assistance to memoize common patterns for common salsa instruments 👍
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