تعلم البرمجة : كوداتي Codeaty

Learn programming in the best and easiest way, share your news and ask your question with my codec

Total ratings

4.60 (Rating count: 2,492)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Helpful and user-friendly
  • Great content for learning programming
  • App appreciated for its educational value
  • Lack of video content and resources
  • App crashes on certain devices
  • Limited features and improvements needed
Most mentioned
  • Need for more content on Dart and Flutter
  • Request for dark mode feature
  • Frustration with app functionality and updates
See reviews for تعلم البرمجة : كوداتي Codeaty on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.20
All time rating average: 4.60
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Date Author Rating Comment
Amir Taha
Welcome everyone. If possible, we invite Octocode to update the application and add the following: 1- Learn the complete Dart language. 2- Learn the basics of Flutter and how to use it. 3- Steps to download all the tools and programs we need to program applications in the Dart language. Thank you for your efforts in spreading knowledge and science.
محمد مسعود
Words cannot really describe this masterpiece. Thank you guys. تطبيق رائع ومجهود جبار
Very good app everything is good about it will be better if you add dark mode
Abd El Rahman Diab
It's very bad 😞😞😞 No videos no anything 😭
Owyes Zaitoun
Very sad for stop continue with this program
Very helpful and user friendly.
it'great and very good There are technologia inside
Amine Neoumouse
App crashs everytime i open it on my redmi n8 pro, why? Edit: شكرا أخي، التطبيق يعمل الآن.
Shahad Alghurapi
It's good but what about dart? Isn't it a programming language?
Ahcene Kabene
Great and useful app good job keep it up
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