Tap on Time!

Test your reflexes!

Total ratings

4.38 (Rating count: 14,165)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Simple and fun concept
  • Challenging gameplay
  • Smooth performance
  • Excessive ads after every round or death
  • Requires internet connection to play
  • Delay or inconsistency in tap recognition
Most mentioned
  • Too many ads
  • Ads interrupting gameplay
  • Game can't be played offline
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.40
All time rating average: 4.38
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Date Author Rating Comment
Yourmom Iloveyou
its WAY TO FAST AND GUESS WHATTT?, so basically I just got this and on the first try... I LOST, AGHHHH I'm going into my demon mode!!! *turns into da demon and roars and mi Roar echos across da room (I dont know what I'm doing with my life...)* IM NOW THE DEMONNNN
Want to waste more than 50% of your time watching ads? Play this game!
Jessica Polster
I got this to make my reaction time to not get worse or make it better. But no every two deaths you get a dumb ad. If I want to get rid of the ads I have to pay 6$ to get rid of them. Not only that there is a ad at the bottom of the screen all the time with an x. You might think it will remove the ad. No all it does is say you have to pay 6$ to remove. So what is that x for. Is it for you money hungry dumbasses to make money. I will not undownload it because I want good reaction.
Gaki Eldor
Horrible. Ads every two seconds and there's nothing to do. One time I clicked it right in the middle (it was big so I knew it was correct) and it said I got it wrong. Another time it was going so fast it looked slow. Don't download.
Hi spinning studio
When you enter the loading screen gets stuck on the Addons part of the bar and never loads properly. Cannot be played on Note 10.
This game should be offline, and the ads are too annoying for people who invented. I think you guys should make this game an offline game, and it would be better
Kian Belmonte
Every time i lose a ad pops up and its either 10-20 seconds long mostly 20 seconds the game was cool but the ads are too much
Jacob Dillard
Bills cant be that high Ad every time i lose, if youre going to make an enjoyable game dont paywall it for a 90 dollar fee in order to get rid of ads, the game isnt that good to go on and make me see an ad everytime i messed up, app is dogshit
Captain MAK Sparrow
Super fun game. Simple gameplay but still super challenging. Great for passing the time. I don't mind the ads, but could you please make them muted so they don't interrupt Spotify?
It's absolutely terrible. It's a fun concept that I would play if they changed a lot of things. My main problem is that ads take up 99.99% of the time I'm playing it. Every attempt a new ad appears and they have a lot of unnecessary things that all require watching ads to do. There's even a pack that costs 89 dollars and Is on sale. This pack is supposed to get rid of ads and one other thing but I guess a game with so many ads would make it expensive to get rid of then entirely
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