My Heroes: Dungeon Raid

Dazzling Pixel Shooting RPG

Total ratings

4.28 (Rating count: 61,525)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Fun gameplay and engaging mechanics
  • Unique art style and graphics
  • Generous with rewards and not strictly pay-to-win
  • Flexible gameplay that accommodates different play styles
  • Variety of game modes and activities to keep users engaged
  • Difficulty spikes can be frustrating
  • Bugs and performance issues often reported
  • Gear management can be cumbersome
  • Learning curve is steep and overwhelming for new players
  • Progression can feel grindy and time-consuming
Most mentioned
  • Bugs and crashes affect gameplay experience
  • Grind and difficulty spikes lead to frustration
  • Art style and graphics are praised
  • Gameplay is fun but can become repetitive
  • Issues with gear management and inventory
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.40
All time rating average: 4.28
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Date Author Rating Comment
Nobody Here
I wanted to like this game, I did try so hard to. I loved the art style, and the little pixel art is what drew me to it originally, but the lack of story and just repetitive gameplay didn't appeal to me. I found it tiring to continue as it was the same thing for the first 20 levels, which is a bummer considering the introduction was actually interesting. May revisit later if a storyline is added, but otherwise? Probably not.
Pointyyou !
The game is fun, but if you find a build that you really enjoy, like for the gameplay it provides or the synergies it comes with, you can expect it to be outclassed or eventually outclassed by any newer builds that come out. If you want to use anything unique, you'll suffer for it. Eventually, you'll be like me, with an outdated build that does barely any damage compared to the latest stuff, but none of that will click with you like the build you're currently using.
Dina Jadillo
When you thought you had it all figured out then bam! More content! It's really heavy with the grind, but still, it's really good! Although I have a suggestion. Lower the skill transparency even more, if possible make it invisible, please add it in the settings, it lags even if it's at 50% transparency since the boss effects/attacks fills up the screen, even in multiplayer, other people's skills lags so bad. Lower the animation in everything, ik I'm asking so much but pls consider!
I like what this game dies and has to offer. It feels different compared to other gachas. You don't have to spend money, but if you do it helps out a good amount which I think is totally fair. I love the art style, characters, soundtrack, and combat. This game doesn't suffer from feeling left out when you join later or take long breaks, so don't worry about that.
Gear management gets tricky quickly. You basically have to evaluate gear twice. The first when you compare it to current to see if you want to equip it, and the second when you throw it away (or equivalent) to make sure it's not one of the alts you were keeping. Having a way to dispose of gear from the equip screen would help. Also, the game asks for permission to make and manage phone calls, with an explaination that does not seem to justify the request.
Damon Osborne
Changing my review from a 5 star to a two star due to lack of basic function on the app. The game is great! I'm having a blast playing it free to play, but unfortunately the game just stole all of my earned diamonds from me! As soon as I unlocked the dig function, I used my free dig. The button never changed from saying "free", so I figured you must get a few free ones per day! That is until it popped up after three or four uses asking if I wanted to buy more diamonds! What a scummy move!
another review captured my opinions super well. id give the game like 2.5 stars but 3 should be fine. gameplay itself is SUPER fun and the style is amazing, just the graphics I was looking for. they delivered on everything except progression. once you get to a certain point (mid game), literally just past early game, it becomes a crazy grindfest and you have to grind for months. you can't switch witches without grinding for a while which is what you'll be playing with.
Brindusa Buriman
Game is fun and I would recommend it. If you want to keep up with everything you would have to spend a considerable amount of time. Not money though, which is great! The game has plenty of gamemodes to keep you busy. Once you choose a server, trying to switch, you would have to start a new character while the old character stays on the other server. This ruined my experience as I had to start new when my friends joined because we didn't join the same server. Fixing this would be very nice!
Anthony Flieger
a great game to kill time with, but it has a huge difficulty increase without paying money, its great for free 2 play, but after a while ya hit a wall, that either takes a while to farm resources to get there or you have to pay money to even progress well, and this is mainly because of S. 95 rift. the game has changed a lot since release though some good changes some bad, mainly nerfs that tend to frustrate ya when you are used to skills being one way.
Terrence Hill
Generous with rewards; fun gameplay regarding skills n dungeons; gameplay isn't strictly bound by schedules, and flexible enough to let you play how you want and with whatever kind of schedule. Pretty well balanced and you can acquire what you need without being forced to pay. Only suggestions I have are it definitely needs more clarity on in game mechanics firstly. Secondly, could use more multiplayer content, pvp, and better difficulty curves for pve. Lastly energy system severely limiting...
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