Route4Me Route Planner

Routing Chaos Finally Solved, With The World's Most Used Route Planner

Total ratings

4.32 (Rating count: 14,717)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Ease of use for basic routing
  • Ability to create routes with multiple stops
  • Helps save time and money for planning routes
  • Feature to view multiple routes on one map
  • Frequent bugs and performance issues after updates
  • Complicated user interface and route setup process
  • Limitations on the number of stops without subscription
  • Lack of responsive tech support for issues
  • Navigation problems and incorrect directions
Most mentioned
  • Issues after recent updates
  • Difficulty in entering and editing routes
  • Navigation inconsistencies with Google Maps
  • Subscription limitations impacting functionality
  • Performance problems and app crashes
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.70
All time rating average: 4.32
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Date Author Rating Comment
Hasan Husein
I used to use this app for my business, management now changed the app where to use the "arrived option" button, you would need to pay for the higher tier subscription. They also plan to change this feature for the iPhone later on. Making it reset each time you navigate out of the app onto Google maps or ways going back and having to reset the tracking from the 1st stop. A ton of other competitors on the market still have this feature, I recommend looking at those.
Lynda Colter-Bergh
This is my 3rd or 4th Routing app. There is another I like better, but it's more expensive. There's some bugs out lack of features that I've seen. Itsends Google maps a range instead of the actual address at times. If I don't catch it, I'm sent on a wild goose chase. It took me a day to figure this out. When I called tech support, they said other people complain but it's not them. No other app has done this. Also, no way to carry route forward to next day minus previous days visits.
Marneen Zahavi
Having been using this app for awhile now. Suddenly it has stopped working properly. The techs seem to be unable to fix the issue. Both myself on an android and another team member on an iPhone are having issues and we are getting nowhere with tech support. sad...the app worked so well for awhile. Looking at other options. Hopefully before I find one they fix this app.
Every update of the app makes it worse. Since the last one on October 18, 2024 the app constantly freezes, crashes, stalls, and is overall completely useless for a route. The one thing its meant for. I had to completely close the app 5 times in 10 minutes and it still barely functioned for maybe 5 minutes before crashing again.
John R
App way too complicated. After wasting 15 minutes of my time trying to set up a simple test route I finally gave up and deleted the app. Putting in a start location was simple enough, but trying to add a destination was not. Trying to simply tap a spot on the app didn't seem to work. Typing in an address didn't either.
Bill Z
October 24' update -Input new route with many stops, its a little slow while editing. Takes a minute - used Google for maps choice. Found that roads sent to google were not passed correctly and directions were posting to wrong towns, even though the address was 100 % correct with the right town name. Very embarrassing while showing my boss with 45 students on board. Original review: Just got my Class B CDL for school bus, and so far I'm lovin' this app. Put one of my routes in very quickly.
Andy Baker
This app was great before the latest update. There are a few changes that destroyed the functionality of... Edit: Thank you for listening to your customer base. You have improved your service way beyond what it was B4. It is good to see your team strives to provide a great service to those who deliver the necessary items to their neighborhoods & don't have a second to spare wrestling with difficult to use, clunky apps. We start work before most get out of bed & end after most are sleeping.
David Sanders
Developers, please make this app easier to use by allowing rerouting from current location, or by being able to duplicate the previous route but leaving out the previously visited addresses. Also, I wish I could load an excel spread sheet of the addresses I need to visit from my computer or Android phone so I don't have to manually type in each address. I would also like to Lock in "visit" so I don't have to change it on every address...otherwise good app.
Eric Welch
Edit I found a setting about opening links, fixed myself. Would be good if in app navigation worked. Would only allow 1 stop at a time with Google maps. If I hit navigate its my only option. Default to Google then try changing in settings, choose in app navigation and it stays Google. Chat service had me cleat cache, nope. Uninstall and re-download still no. Disabled Google maps and now there is just no navigation at all. It's like that part of the app is just not there for me.
P Phlip
Doesn't work well with android phones, confusing way to enter data into spreadsheet columns and when you transfer the spreadsheet to the app, some of the data gets deleted from the route and you will miss stops. Cannot recommend this product. Support doesn't always answer questions about spreadsheet entries, some try, but they aren't well versed in how to do all entries. One representative directed me to a printed tutorial on the website, not helpful.
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