Balance Ball 3D

Balance the rolling ball 3D over bridges with 3D balance ball

Total ratings

3.00 (Rating count: 1,279)

Review summary

  • Enjoyable and fun game
  • Good graphics
  • Helps to keep the mind healthy
  • Excessive ads
  • Poor controls
  • Difficult to balance the ball
Most mentioned
  • Too many ads
  • Issues with ball control
  • Difficulty in playing the game
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.70
All time rating average: 3.00
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Rating filters

5 star
25% (5)
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60% (12)
Date Author Rating Comment
Harold Mangan
Two sensitive touch the controls ball flies
Russell Almond
Can't find stop vibration and don't like ad
Louise Hulme
Unplayable due to the volume of ads.
Fanake Dercksen
I myself love this game with all of my hart but hate it for now because you have to muth advertisement
Rupesh Thorat
Control buttos are very cheap,,, control not perfect,left hand width swipe,right hand up down swipe,not perfect playing this game,,,,mood off game,,, I installed extreme balance 3 it's very best balance game,,
Aqib Irshad
One of the worse game I've ever played...Lots of improvement needed. Plz don't dare to install this game
saquib ahemad
Very bad game. ball controle system very slow and bad. so this game is not good
Kunal Tripathy
It hard to balance the ball, but quite amazing game ever
Obren Đurić 72
So bad controls, and level 3 is impossible
Ok, I hate this. I hate it a lot. The controls are like a violin, it's almost impossible to learn. And it always feels horrible! The ads are not level based, oh no no no! They are a festival. If everyone was an ad for the same game. I got an ad for block puzzle all the time. I already played that and reviewed it. That's why my final rating is a gun at yo face / 10
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