MobileTrader: Online Trading

Online trading of 100+ Currency pairs, Gold, Stocks, and Derivatives

Total ratings

4.28 (Rating count: 16,896)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • User-friendly interface
  • Fast and intuitive trading experience
  • Excellent customer service
  • Real-time market updates and analysis tools
  • Easy deposit process
  • Complicated verification process
  • Slow withdrawal process and issues with fund retrieval
  • Frequent app crashes and glitches during peak times
  • High spreads and risks during trading
  • Unreliable login and account management issues
Most mentioned
  • Slow execution of commands
  • Complicated verification process
  • Issues with withdrawing funds
  • App stability problems during peak times
  • User-friendly features and interface
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.70
All time rating average: 4.28
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Rating filters

5 star
43% (12)
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7% (2)
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43% (12)
Date Author Rating Comment
Diamond Adam
Very complicated verification process and only requests passport.
Kartik X
I deposit money but not ad my wallet after the 48 hours don't use this app my money is goan
Donino Gabia
Roboforex didn't allow my request to disable the Authenticator in my account so that I can log in back to my account after I try to delete my app to test if I can log back in. Turned out you can't log back in if you mistakenly delete the app
Abu Bakar Khalu
This app should have been one of the best for my choice. But I'm uninstalling it because it is very slow to execute a command, everytime unstable internet connection.
Mark Lee
High spread high risk. Not recommend. Peak transaction time you not able to login. You likely to lose all your winning before you escape. Play at your own risk.
i foodiz spice
Pathetic experience don't lose money kindly avoid this app simply skip don't even deposit small money
Shaiful Hisham
Easy to depo but takes forever to withdraw, when you complain they ask you to do the ticket thing and that don't solve anything and only give you the standard answer which you already know. I will improve the rating when you give me my money.
manikie liebenberg
Wow wow respect to you guys. Easy to use, thee platform is top notch. Very clean chart right there.
williamson gilay
The app has become glitchy, I tried modifying the SL, when I pressed the save button multiple times, the app itself placed the current price of the forex pair in the TP section, taking me out of the trade
Tony ThaiTony
I just started my account. My first opinion is that it's probably one of the best brokers. Unfortunately, the account management is not really easy to use with not an intuitive menu on the website. That's why i removed one star. But i recommend anyway
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