Reviews of Loyalty Card Wallet

List of user reviews and ratings for Loyalty Card Wallet

Total ratings

4.70 (Rating count: 85)
See reviews for Loyalty Card Wallet on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.50
All time rating average: 4.70
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23% (3)
Date Author Rating Comment
Robert Curry
Very handy to use
Anita Shellum
didn't save my settings after changing phones
Nicholas Jankovic
Works great on the closed screen of the Flip 5 phone (if you have Good Lock installed to access all apps on the outside screen) - and is a good simple app that does what it promises with no crazy extra features to complicate things. Recommended.
Jemmey Moola
So useful!! it just works!
Maxim Katargin
Nice, but ads are full-screen and I can't close it. I would like to pay, but app reports "can't connect to Google play billing service" or smth like that. Update: thank you, now I am happy! :)
Peggy Desjardins
So the app had an ad that popped up as soon as I launched it the very first time. The ad requested that I verify my identity with a credit card. Since I hadn't actually seen the ap as I just installed it I went ahead and "verified" with a credit card. Then was dinged with 2 fraudulent charges on my card. I called MC and got info on the charges and tried to contact them to no avail. Then I contacted the support email here and was able to start getting things figured out. He was super helpful.
Bill H
Iouri Koslovskii
Does perfectly what it promises. Is there a way to export the cards?
Jeffrey Hirai
So simple and yet google pay can't do it!
Robert T
Good app. Works with club cards, discount cards, library cards, etc.
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