Freighthub Driver

Freighthub application for driver

Freighthub Driver - Efficient Delivery App

"Freighthub Driver" is an Android application designed to simplify the reporting of large-scale delivery processes from pickup to drop-off. With a user-friendly interface, it enables drivers to easily report their tasks at the touch of a button. Key features include real-time tracking of truck locations, digital proof of delivery, and a messaging system for seamless communication between drivers and admin. Ideal for logistics vehicle providers looking to enhance operational efficiency.

App stats

Downloads: 54,153
Version: (Last updated: 2025-01-23)
Full description: See detailed description


User reviews

buat apan minta minta harus aktifin permissions gituan ni app maksa biar yg punya app bisa liat isi hp kita permissions ga penting tp kita harus ijinin cuih maksa kalo ga penting penting amat jan install ini app pak supir supir abis make apus aja tiati dia bisa akses ke kontak ke media kita dia bisa liat foto foto di galeri hati hati
by Sheva Gemilang, 2025-01-10

Sangat menyusahkan pengguna aplikasi
by Hans Andrew, 2022-11-11
View all user reviews

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