Reviews of Aprender Inglés Curso: Fluento

List of user reviews and ratings for Aprender Inglés Curso: Fluento

Total ratings

4.76 (Rating count: 143,204)

Review summary

  • Efficient mechanism for practicing and learning English
  • Helps users improve their English quickly
  • Fun and engaging way to learn
  • Free to use with valuable content
  • User-friendly and easy to navigate
  • Some users experience crashes and technical issues
  • Fast speech makes it hard for some users to follow
  • Inconsistent word meanings and pronunciation in translations
Most mentioned
  • Improvement in English skills
  • Crashes and loading issues
  • Desire for slower pronunciation
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for Aprender Inglés Curso: Fluento on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.90
All time rating average: 4.76
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Date Author Rating Comment
Fina Vasco
Thanks pelo app
HamilTon “Tdblck” Manuell
awesome, it's a great app. simply because it has an efficient mechanism in the practice and learning of the English language. in my opinion, I would suggest that video lessons should also appear!.
floyd buster
This app is very good I only have one problem with it and I wish that they wouldn't have spoken so fast but pronounced the words much slower.
Kenny Merilus
It's was excellent.Because it's was helps involve my study's.
Dénis Aïvodji
This app is very good and help fasting speak English
Rosa Prata Bia
I love this, help me more. I'm angolanan and just can speack english very well cause thia app. I'm very proud of you. Thank ypu so much.
Nastea Balan
Best of the best app ... this application can help you for improving your English and its free 😉do not miss this chance
Jesus Bencomo
Hello ,I just have installed this application but it is crashing very often. The last lesson i was able to take was the 4th, because I could not go to further lessons. Some phrases were not accepted though my accent is acceptable.
Arylene Dutra
i love this app, help a lot to learn and is very fun.
Lisandra Blanch Garcia
Excellent this app. I like so much because I can to learn and play too. Is not boring!
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