Sam’s Club: Shopping made easy

Pickup, Delivery, Scan & Go

Total ratings

4.92 (Rating count: 444,922)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Scan and Go feature is convenient and time-saving
  • App is user-friendly and easy to navigate
  • Ability to see prices and check out quickly
  • Offers great value and savings with convenience
  • In-store experience is usually good
  • Frequent issues with app functionalities (e.g., not showing tracking information, not syncing with delivery dates)
  • Unreliable online ordering filters and user account issues
  • Problems with adding payment methods and using the app in-stores
  • Some features (like purchase history) have stopped working or are inconsistent
  • Poor customer service experience reported
Most mentioned
  • Scan and Go feature
  • App usability issues including login and payment problems
  • Inconsistent online shopping experience
  • Problems with order tracking and synchronization with shipping
  • Customer service inadequacies
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.50
All time rating average: 4.92
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18% (9)
Date Author Rating Comment
Patricia M
Typically a fantastic app but a recent update (or something) led to being unable to see tracking information for shipped orders. It takes awhile to load and then I end up at some sort of login screen with sign in prompt. Wouldn't be an issue if I could find a tracking number and look it up outside the app. Please fix it!
Benjamin Franklin
App has become so unusable I will be canceling my membership. Unable to add Scan n Go items to cart when connected to in store wifi, forcing me to rely on barely existent cell signal. Also, I am unable add a new payment method--i get only an infinitely spinning ring, making this app, one of Sam's Club's finest selling features, useless. Uninstalled and membership canceled.
Kristen Gephart
In-store phenominal. With exception of Scan and Go Cafe items and using app to order. They NEVER have items avail on the app that clearly are in person. Shipping option of the app is not so phenomenal either. Although I get my orders, eventually, the app generally doesn't sync well with Fed Ex actual date of delivery. The delivery dates are always late compared to app.
Mary A
i use the "scan and go" and it made getting out of there very quick. Today i noticed a new contraption we must walk thru and was told it scans the cart, if it determines any anomaly, it signals the people with the scanners by the door to check the cart...since I typically buy wine, i will have to stop but if i were just running in for anything else not requiring an ID and as long as it checks out they would just let me go out the door!
Mark Tower
it's extremely easy to use. I don't have to wait in lines. I walk right out because I do it all on my phone. it is literally one of my favorite apps. most apps from grocery stores or places like Walmart are fairly useless. this one is absolutely useful. you should definitely download it if you have a Sam's Club account.
Karson Penner
"We've hit a snag" the app does not work with GrapheneOS. App membership card fails to activate due to the obsolete SafetyNet/Play Integrity API. This is a known/reported issue and Sam's Club does not care about users who use privacy-centric mobile OSes. This would be easy to fix if the apps devs would look into the issue and respond to feedback. I'm switching to Costco.
Robert Smith
I ordered an item as a gift to another address other than mine. The item didn't work upon arrival so I initiated a replacement. The app did not allow the replacement to be shipped to the original shipping address. I had to process it to my address. So I did that and then called immediately to have the shipping address changed to the original. The rep said she had to cancel and start the replacement over. The system won't allow it so I have to get a refund then reorder but not on sale anymore.
Angela Thomas
The "scan and go" checkout process using my phone, to "self checkout" and quickly exit the store is very convenient and saves time! I can scan each item as I put it in my cart or scan them all at once when I'm finished, and because your credit card is loaded in the app, you "slide" a button to pay and quickly exit the store. It is the reason why we do not switch to a Costco membership.
KWG Grafix
Easy to use....only downfall it doesn't show everything available in club stores. Otherwise it's great!!! *Update 2025* App doesn't no longer shows purchase history. Have tried on several different devices and doesn't work on any of them. But look via website on desktop and it works fine. Tried via 3 different cell phones...2 different kind of tablets and 2 on none of them.
Blanca Ramirez
I was introduced to the app today, and at first I was hesitant to do so. Im old school, but I went ahead to try. I gotta say, I enjoyed how easy and practical the scan and go is! I also like the fact it gives you what your subtotal is at hand, and most how u can pay on the app and leave! Brilliant idea
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