Infinite Runner Engine Demo

Tech demo for the Infinite Runner Engine, the best endless runner kit for Unity.

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4.75 (Rating count: 66)
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All time rating average: 4.75
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Date Author Rating Comment
Michelle Kay
Loads much larger than screen size, so can't see 70% of the game. Big issue for this kind of product!
Richard Kang
Most fun game I've found on the play store. No silly graphics, just a focus on gameplay. Only downside is it forces the orientation.
Christopher Gibson
Yikes! I was looking to buy Corgi engine for Unity but this isn't a very good advert for it 😬 After playing Downhill, all other games seem broken? I think it's retaining the character selection but in the other games and braking it. After restarting the app, Vertical froze once paused and the buttons didn't work. I get this is a tech demo.. but if this is the sort of quality games I could expect to release with Corgi engine, I'm not interested.
Good engine for unity thanks
I have a question. This app is a demo right and, your Flight of Albatross is lagging
Utkarsh Chavan
Can I add my own artstyle?
Thasnim Creations
A Google user
Its ok but super laggy on my new phone that can run everything else without ent lag
A Google user
Have some serious issue of bug from my phone xiaomi
A Google user
Amazing asset, will definitely buy soon! Would have been 5 stars if power ups were added in the demo.
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