Reviews of TV Remote for Panasonic TV

List of user reviews and ratings for TV Remote for Panasonic TV

Total ratings

3.33 (Rating count: 1,509)

Review summary

  • Works well when it does connect to Panasonic Smart TVs
  • Can be useful as a temporary remote solution
  • Allows access to streaming apps like YouTube, Netflix, and Prime
  • Excessive advertisements that hinder usability
  • Frequent crashes and disconnections
  • Requires WiFi connection, which may not suit all TV models
Most mentioned
  • Too many ads
  • App crashes often
  • Needs WiFi to function
  • Limited functionality unless premium subscription is paid
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for TV Remote for Panasonic TV on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.50
All time rating average: 3.33
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Rating filters

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72% (23)
Date Author Rating Comment
rajeev ranjan
So many ads
George Huxley
Very good most of the time now that I have an Internet Booster..
Bhim Pradhan
First TV app I saw charging for remote
monsif younes
Literally every letter u type u have to see an ads like tf ??
Siva Sangar
Worst app to much advertisement. Application only for add full of add wherever click it goes to add.
Mohamed Darwish
Very bad and not working
To push you to purchasing an exorbitant monthly (or other) payment package to unlock premium from the quite limited free package, you have to wade through utterly obnoxious advertisements every time you press a key (Im looking at you, Temu). Why do providers do this now? Capatalism! I don't want to hear them crying rivers about how they "have to make a living". We know, and they know it's a subtely masked rip-off. Just use an infa red jobbie and avoid these types of useless "helpful" apps.
Dave Dilkes
Its good when it works but fails a few times had uninstall and re installed
Alan Phasey
Ads prevented me from using this app. No way to remove or move them to use the ap
stacey Mays
Can not use stays on ads
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