Reel Cinemas

The fastest way to book, view and share your favourite movies at Reel Cinemas.

Total ratings

4.33 (Rating count: 5,027)

Review summary

  • easy to use and very fast booking
  • good customer service provided vouchers after issues
  • notifications feature about promotions is appreciated
  • app crashes and is slow
  • payment gets processed but no ticket issued
  • complicated interface and confusing user experience
Most mentioned
  • app frequently crashes or hangs
  • issues with booking tickets successfully
  • payment issues leading to end-user dissatisfaction
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.60
All time rating average: 4.33
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Rating filters

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61% (14)
Date Author Rating Comment
Dipesh Arora
too slow tickets received
Sherif Zaki
U need to extend the time of session. Ridiculous had to go through booking all over because time finished while i was ordering food. I dont get it.
Dinash Wadhani
It needs to be updated with other multiplexs you can't depend on just few theaters and offers all so
Sony 2023
easy to use and very fast booking
Pranav Agawane
Pathetic app payment gets processed and ticket is not booked stay away from reel cinemas
Mohammad Abdullah Bayomi
Terrible experience ! Took me 2 hours to book tickets through the app or website, both keeps hanging or crashing then sends me back again to start from the beginning!
Anil Gupta
What is happening with this app? It was working fine till now. Now, when's we opent the app, it is asking for updates. I uninstall the app and reinstall the app. Still same issue. Resolved the issue on priority. Thanks
ken jahar paloga
Tried many times to book using the app but I'm having difficulty going through with my booking. Tried installing and unstalling but to no avail. I think the app needs a fix.
A Google user
Very very unhappy with this app. I tried to book tickets on this app, for the last two seats in the cinema, and the app told me the booking was not successful, when I tried to go back in to try again I saw the seats were already booked, I assumed by someone else. Now I've been charged AED 336 for a film they told me I didn't book.
A Google user
Not upto mark app lags a lot everytime i purchase ticket i cannot be my transaction history in app...if i want to see tickets i purchase transaction history it goes blank cant see any transaction..lot work need to be done on app for users..
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