Zero Cleaner: clear cache

Clear cache of apps easily with the help of Zero Cleaner

Total ratings

4.31 (Rating count: 3,052)

Review summary

  • Effectively clears cache from various apps
  • Runs in the background and can auto-clean cache
  • User-friendly with no annoying ads
  • Affordable pricing for premium features
  • Improves device performance by cleaning cache
  • Requires extensive permissions which some users find risky
  • Accessibility service can be unstable and stop working
  • Does not always clean all the cache it claims to
  • Users must manually enable permissions each time cache is cleared
  • Some users report not seeing a difference in cache after cleaning
Most mentioned
  • App sometimes fails to clean all cache as intended
  • Permissions are annoying to manage
  • Works well for clearing large amounts of cache quickly
  • Users desire more features like junk file cleaning
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for Zero Cleaner: clear cache on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.00
All time rating average: 4.31
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61% (22)
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14% (5)
Date Author Rating Comment
Suhas Shivalkar
Did not clean. You tube has more than 500mb cache. But it was not cleaned. Thanks for response.
You Tube
if i am getting lazy too clean cache, im gonna use zero cleaner is useful and auto clean cache,!.
Rachid Ibnalmjdub
It's great , it runs in background though, It clears Every selected App's cache with no problems . NOTE: This runs in background when you tell it to notify You.
Ayaan Ayaan khan
Absolutely good app ever I see just we have to turn on every permission and this app clear every trash but it's uncomfortable because we have to give him permission that name accessory so if we turn on that this app can see our screen and control so risky but good app ever ❤️
Gerald Carter
It works. Sort of .But the accessibility service keeps stopping Another app I have acts the same way. Accessibility is fragile and stops for no reason. The fixes offered are laborious and don't always work.
Michael Anderson
Why does your progeam require google play to be on, other than as a way to upload private information to google. Why doesnt zero cleaner not function other than to do that? No other apps on my system require that.
Zoro Cleaner App. is Good But You have To Be Real Good Best Please Start Beta Testing Program Updates Regularly Bugs Fex improve Features.
For speed up your slower Device, this app is perfect coz it finds cache of every app by itself and clean
Adem Sofilić
Amazing app, no annoying pop-up ads, actually cleans all the cache from the apps too! No pay walls, you can watch an add of 60 sec to get premium for 3 hours! It's less than 5 € for the full version! Better than the CC Cleaner I'm that regard!
This is a magnificent android cache cleaner with defined features. It wipes out the phone storage cache thoroughly & very fast, at the speed of light, just like the turbo version. I used to verify the cache after clean-up that I no longer do since it does a wonderful job. it doesn't clean "Google services" only because obviously it's Google and it could be prohibited. This is a very dependable & trustworthy app. Now, If you're a cache clean-up freak then I do recommend this App for you. Cheers!
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