Car Maintenance - Service book

Track your car's service. A healthy car - a pleasant trip.

Total ratings

2.62 (Rating count: 196)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Easy to use and user-friendly interface
  • Useful for keeping track of car maintenance and reminders
  • Ability to manage information for multiple cars
  • Good customer support from the developer
  • Too many intrusive ads, even with premium version
  • Limited service options and features
  • Issues with tracking and editing service history
  • No options for storing pictures for car parts
Most mentioned
  • Ad intrusion and usability issues
  • Lack of customization and service tracking features
  • User-friendly design but needing improvements
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.90
All time rating average: 2.62
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Date Author Rating Comment
MW Carl
Nice interface but Minimal service options. Doesnt track tire rotation. Uninstalling from my phone.
Amanda-Rose McKimmie
DO NOT INSTALL - I installed this and found games ads every couple of seconds, most of these I had to wait 30 seconds to dismiss, making a nice app unusable. I also found that when I went to Google and did a search and selected a link from the list (eg Argos Oscillating Fan) I was immediately redirected to a games site. I paid the fee to remove ads.... I uninstalled the app..... this issue did not go away! My phone was working perfectly right up to the point od installing this app. I am furious.
Azfar Aziz
no transmission service card. no option to add more service card. no option to edit the card services no option to edit back the previous services no auto reminder for every sevices too many advertisement even for premium plan no log for recently services for easy monitoring *PLEASE RETURN BACK MY MONEY*
A Google user
This is a very good maintenance monitoring app for your car. This is a very useful app (do not uninstall)
A Google user
Car Maintenance my favorite of all the maintenance apps that I've tried. It's easy to use. I absolutely love this app.
A Google user
Not very intuitive. Try to enter service date info won't accept. Enter the date service was done and says change date must be after service date? Doesn't make sense
A Google user
Very useful app and recommend for every car owner. Everything about the feature are the best already but the design need improvement especially the color of font.
A Google user
Great app but can you please add a section where you can add the different types of oil/fluids used and be able to add another service in the main section so its all together. Its a little annoying having to go into parts to do it
A Google user
Too many intrusive adds. Not practical either. Settings very limited. Poor design.
A Google user
Nice app. Would be nice if the fuel section showed the miles per gallon and gallons per mile statistic for each tank of gas. It's good that you can add your own maintenance and repairs to the list. Would also like to see if some type of maintenance is coming up soon. Maybe a push notification or alert in the app for an upcoming service.
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