
RapidMobile - Improved access to your Rapid Response Monitoring accounts!

Total ratings

4.09 (Rating count: 55)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Reliable access to accounts and quick test results.
  • Useful for dealers and field employees.
  • User-friendly interface.
  • Frequent crashes and performance issues.
  • Problems with 2FA and updates causing malfunctions.
  • Frustration with customer search feature and app updates.
Most mentioned
  • Crashes frequently.
  • Increased reliability and usability for field work.
  • Issues with app updates.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.40
All time rating average: 4.09
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45% (9)
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30% (6)
Date Author Rating Comment
Catherine Toukebri
Professional slove problems. I am greatful.
Cole Maxwell
The old app was much more reliable. I have constant crashing, both on start up and whenever there is a network change (going off wifi and onto roaming or vice versa). I end up having to double check tests go through. No improvements seen with any updates they do push out, every other tech I know that uses this app wishes they were still on the old one
Reliable app so far please don't change anything 😁
Joe Trimble
It's a good app for dealers.
Terence McCloskey
Great app into the portal.
Kevin Keenan
Can no longer even attempt to login. Every time I open I get an endless loop of the spinning circle
MR. Happy (Ben Dead)
I work for a company that uses this app regularly and I cannot get it to work. I have had constant problems with it.
Eric Braun
Designed for dealers to access their accounts. Serves no purpose for the average person. Allows instant access to 90% of your accounts, tests, reports, contact lists, etc. By far the best monitoring app I have encountered.
Alfred Gaastra
After getting used to the new icon i love using it. Where ever i am it gives me quick and reliable access to the accounts. Very easy to put accounts in to test.
Gizmo G
Poor operation of 2fa, and forced update Has now caused the app to stop working.
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