Rad Golf, Rangefinder Golf GPS

Rad Golf provides key insights into your game. Shot Tracker, Stats & Scorecard.

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2.76 (Rating count: 22)
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Recent rating average: 2.30
All time rating average: 2.76
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Date Author Rating Comment
Steve Hall
I like it
DeWayne Swann
It's not terrible but connecting can be a pain sometimes. Having to have the app open to get good range on the speaker drains battery on the phone some what quickly. Love the air horn but maybe update sounds
Michael ODonnell
Terrible. Never syncs takes about three holes before it kicks in, must reset a few times per round. Wouldn't buy anything FBI new it was this bad.nwhush I could return.
Tommy Gutierrez
This app is absolutely horrible. It worked 1 time then just stopped working all together. I wasted alot of money on their speaker and their subscription. I would give it a zero if I could.
Mordy Weiss
I've been using the Rad app for a few months, it's become my go-to golf GPS app. Great UI with lots of cool features. It integrates perfectly with their Sound+ speaker which I also have, I can't wait for the rest of their product line to come out so I can have all my golf products interconnected with each other. I highly recommend Rad
Rahsaan Richardson
Great concept, but way too many bugs in the production version of the application. I have an android phone and the application can not make it through a complete round. It freezes or shuts down. As a bluetooth speaker its great.
Justin Ricks
App crashes every time
Blake Odneal
Doesn't worming with android phones.
justin feese
App crashes all the time. It also doesn't connect to the speaker even though I'm connected and paint music on it
Roark Sandberg
Worked once
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