Reviews of Qwork - Earn From Gigging Now

List of user reviews and ratings for Qwork - Earn From Gigging Now

Total ratings

2.68 (Rating count: 56)

Review summary

  • Wide selection of job opportunities
  • Interesting gigs provided
  • Frequent error messages and crashes
  • Inability to register or log in
  • Poor customer service and support
  • Application very slow and inoperable
  • Location services not functioning properly
Most mentioned
  • Error messages during registration and usage
  • App crashes and slow performance
  • Difficulty accessing available gigs
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for Qwork - Earn From Gigging Now on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.50
All time rating average: 2.68
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Rating filters

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70% (14)
Date Author Rating Comment
md nazri
Can't upload photo,ceritificates..alway no job available..
Midah Hamdan
It shows varieties of options yet not a single one is accessible. Everytime I try to edit/update my personal information, an error pops out (only God knows why). I was already annoyed for having to restart the app over and over again but the errors just kept coming. Please fix this! I loved this app for having wide selections of job opportunities to choose from but it is terribly slow and inconvenient 😕
Lela Murtin
The apps is always error.. and very slow 🦥🦥🦥
Intan Rei
Applied a job here based on the ads on online poster. Been promised a lot of benefits such as coupon for Berbuka Puasa and incentive based on sales but didn't receive the benefits. Only basic salary received even after few days work over time. (OT basis was described in WS group but failed to distribute to staff respectively)
Mohd Sanusi Mohd Daud
Useless application..Not responding, didn't show the exact gig as requested. Uninstall the application at last
Vithya Shanmugaveloo
Guysss the error message is killing me
The Man
Alot of crashes. Can't locate my gps position to look for close proximity jobs. Cant edit profile error msg "connection error".
Macki D
Trying to register and getting a error message
Editing from 2 stars to 1. It won't even work. You finally get registered and logged in and it still just displays the words "something error" and a graphic. Its entirely inoperable. Support won't respond. Don't waste your time with this. The developers just don't care.
Its not available to the United states
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