QuickPass Visitor Management

Add visitor information and assign gate codes.

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2.09 (Rating count: 47)
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Recent rating average: 1.80
All time rating average: 2.09
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Date Author Rating Comment
Fine, when it works. But it often doesn't. Currently saying 'Invalid Credentials.' But I can login online with the same credentials. Glitch app.
Amber Woodard
This app has a lot of issues! It shows my information, but our security company that uses this can't find tenants and won't allow visitors in. Now, the app gives me an error screen every time I try to add visitors. At this point, it's best to delete the app and just to have security call me with every visitor trying to come in.
David Jentzsch
App doesn't work, not able to update, lost all of my information. USELESS
Heather Smith
It's a completely fake app. James Hamrick has committed NUMEROUS felonies hacking my devices. He truly believes that he is smarter and above everyone. A bit delusional if you ask me. But as for the app? Again 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 lmmfao. Worthless, futile attempt.
Had an issue after an update. Quick Pass was quick at providing a fix.
Will Swetnam
1 Star: Crashes on launch, has never opened for me. *update* 4 Stars: It seems that you have to (or had to) sign in on the web before you could use the app. It works now.
Jim Osborne
Does not work. Crashes all time. Today it sent 6 messages of various vendors entry with dates of Jan30th, Feb 6th, Feb 8, Feb 13, and Feb 15 all date specific and time specific...but today is Feb 16 and none with dated entry today. Why is this not working on proper daily notification? System is of no value. Crashes everytime we try to open on our android phones. Tried to reinstall and still crashes and never opens.
Derek M
March 2022: This has been crashing on my phone lately. Force stopping the app and reopening does not help either. December 2022: still crashes when I open the app despite it being updated and I have force closed it before opening the app. I'm on an android. I can only access quickpass from chrome on my phone.
V Pasoquen
The app doesn't open at all!! Why isn't it working anymore?
Elias Asmar
Have to add my phone number every time I ask for text. Phone number should be added once and become the default.
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