JStudio - ide for java

A java ide for developing android apps and java console programs.

Total ratings

4.14 (Rating count: 3,622)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Good for learning Java
  • Provides offline compilation ability
  • User-friendly GUI and neat design
  • Offers code error checking and suggestions
  • Portability for coding on-the-go
  • Slow performance
  • Issues with code recompilation and saving
  • Limited Java libraries support
  • Bugs in editing functionality
  • Problems with auto-capitalization and text entry
Most mentioned
  • Issues with code not recompiling after changes
  • Problems with compilation and execution of projects
  • Desire for better library support and features like Gradle
  • Editing bugs and cursor issues during coding
  • Performance concerns with app speed and responsiveness
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.30
All time rating average: 4.14
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46% (11)
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17% (4)
Date Author Rating Comment
Why is it like this? For example I will run activity A but it will "always" run activity C. I've been repeatedly deleting files back and forth just to run the code that I want to display.
Gabriel Ibe
I love IDEs from this app publisher It always help me grasp the language completely instead of using all those fancy auto complete tools. I'd like to know which Java version and JDK version this compiler runs
Tsiky Miangola Andriamihaja
Hello, when I try to run an Android project, the console says something like "Generating R.java..cannot link executable aapt" , I am using Android 10 (POCO X2) and I can't figure out what is wrong. I am still a beginner though so it may be my fault but can you help?
Mostafa Gaber
Didn't expect that I can make android apps on my mobile phone. It's a good IDE I recommend it, and it's the first IDE that I see provide code suggestions. Any way is there any future updates for supporting androidx?
Kaanael Mbise
One of the best compilers for coding Java. The editor provides the room to code anywhere, anytime.
Very Good app. But no javax.swing, Pls update the java version. Also there is this issue: Compiling... Dexing... Uncaught translation error: com.qamar.tools.dx.cf.code.SimException: ERROR in greeting.Greeting.main:([Ljava/lang/String;)V: invoking a static interface method java.util.Comparator.naturalOrder:()Ljava/util/Comparator; strictly requires --min-sdk-version >= 24 (blocked at current API level 13)1 error; aborting "My phone is an android 13 and a 14 with an API of 33 and 34."
Suresh Thakur
this is verry helpful app for java learning . there is everything required by a beginner coder. so I would highly emphasize the developer team for wonderful work ! Thank You all to the app team!
Daniel Gidey
The slowest app I've ever seen, everything is good, but it's so slow, so I type the whole code using another app and just use this app for debugging
Wasanthi Gunarathna
It's a best java compiler I have ever seen. Have all the necessary libraries and other methods , I would have given full marks if the app had have more libraries and components.
Rishabh Sen
I am writing java programs but the output is not coming It shows compiling then dexing then waits for some time and doesn't give the output and says error etc etc could you please help me? the same program when I run in blue j it gives output
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