Shell Script Editor

Edit and run shell scripts on android.

Total ratings

3.65 (Rating count: 491)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Works without root
  • No ads
  • Good GUI folder navigation option
  • Can create and run bash shell scripts
  • Good navigation support
  • Lack of root access for scripts
  • Subscription model for paid features
  • Occasional difficulty with user interface
  • Issues with file deletion
  • Limited command availability
Most mentioned
  • Need for root access
  • Subscription payment model
  • User interface challenges
  • Overall good functionality
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.70
All time rating average: 3.65
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Date Author Rating Comment
Raj Pratyush
Works without root. No ads. Has GUI folder navigation option. Can create bash shell scripts, run it separately to test and autosaves. Has tab auto complete, access to history commands, good navigation support. Has everything I wanted and works better than other higher rated apps, wonder why this has only 3.7* and less reviews. 100% recommend. Thanks alot
Asahel Lehasa
Pretty good The terminal editor is far better then the more famous "terminal emulator" app Problems: it won't let me access root (su). I cannot pay to support the author - unless I pay every month forever which is a stupid idea and will never happen.
Great app let's it available to all device don't delete this app is great for scripting
Please add root access for scripts and home screen shortcut with notifications output of the script
Elise Jacobson Salazar
still getting to know the app and it's not like they give you some written instruction instead if just written code
Some One
Was a teacher of shell and Perl for more than 10 years. It was awkward at first using this user interface. For example, no gvim editor. But once accustomed to the interface, I found many commands available. Haven't been bugged by ads yet. It's pretty good. A novice might find it difficult. Good work!
Hamza BinKarim
If you could add awesome syntax highlighting of functions Variables text integers curly and square bracket IO redirection highlighting and support of bash tools that would make it more useful and amazing because I have noticed it doesn't support some Linux tools and functions other wise it's quite good
Karsten Keese
Recurring subscription schemes only, bleeding customers dry ad infinitum without any possibility to acquire the software once and for all. The paid features exist for a reason, so why not simply offer both options of payment? Subscription fees for those who like paying smaller amounts until last judgement day and a one-time purchase price for those who prefer to buy instead of renting? Until such an option is implemented, this in its current form milkingware has been uninstalled.
Daniel Jacobson
Maybe for newer Android it could copy scripts into its own directory and run them there?
Zoe Tsoukatou
It deleted my files and photos and now I cant restore them thank a lot (note the sarcasm)
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