CoreFirst Bank & Trust Mobile

Check balances, view history, transfer funds, pay bills and much more!

Total ratings

4.50 (Rating count: 450)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • User-friendly interface
  • Ability to pay bills and transfer money
  • Great support from the bank
  • Convenient check deposit feature
  • Setting alerts for balance limits
  • App crashes and fails to load frequently
  • Delayed transaction updates and inaccuracies in balance
  • Missing functionality to lock cards from the app
  • Inconvenient password reset process
  • Ads interfere with navigation
Most mentioned
  • App crashing/loading issues
  • Delayed transaction updates
  • User interface and functionality
  • Customer support experience
  • Need for improved transaction accuracy
See reviews for CoreFirst Bank & Trust Mobile on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.10
All time rating average: 4.50
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38% (8)
Date Author Rating Comment
It's pretty good. You can tell it's not a app for one of the big huge mega banks. But it's not lacking in any features. Does everything I need. I can pay bills, connect to my Chime and Cash App and PayPal etc. I think the ONLY thing I wish it had is the option to lock your card from the app if you lose it. At this moment you have to call to order a new one. Other than that it's a banking app. What more can you ask for?
James Harris
If you keep up with your password this is a very good app.
Haard Ent.
Solid app. I think if I had any complaints at all it would just be that it doesn't display your account number anywhere, only the last few digits. Probably a safety thing. But I NEVER remember my account number and my other banking apps is the perfect place to get it from is the app. All in all it's everything you need in a banking app. Can set up deposits and withdrawals, check balances, transfer money etc.
Ashly Llamas
App continues to close out in the middle of my registration process. I have tried this 2 different times on different days. I even deleted the app and tried to download a different day. I think there is a bug and needs an update or something.
Betsy Carlson
Overall good, but the ads are placed too close to the navigation dashboard and it's very easy to accidentally tap/open the ad by mistake.
Joshua Guyle
Banks I used before there apps would be to a T on transaxtion and emediatly put transactions into place. This app 1 second it shows I have this much the next second something totally different and have watched it fluctuate like this in 1 day several times. Very disturbing and causes overdrafting charges
Barry Hockenberger
This app is wonderful. I use it on my phone as well as my home computer. I pay all my bills with this app and always get great support from the bank when I need help or have questions.
Audrieanna Robles
The app crashes a lot or sometimes does not load. Not user related. Overall good when it works.
Marcus Freeman
It's not the worst app but it could definitely be better. Something helpful would be to include a way to reset your password after your account is locked instead of having to wait until morning before I can talk to someone. Maybe send a reset link to a backup email? There has to be a better system than waiting until morning (or God forbid Monday if you miss Saturday hours) to do something like this..
This app is terrible and never loads properly. I waited over ten minutes while it was "loading" just to see if it would ever open. Sure enough, no dice. It never accessed the server or loaded. Pretty pathetic app development. Highly disappointed and unimpressed. Just another of the the many reasons I have found to not have an account with this bank.
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