With BRD EasyPOS you accept card payments simply, using your phone.
"BRD EasyPOS" is a mobile POS application that transforms your phone into a payment acceptance device for your business. It allows you to accept bank card payments and provides receipts to your clients through QR code or SMS, ensuring full mobility wherever you are. Download the app, register your account, and streamline your payment process seamlessly!
Downloads: 9,058
Version: (Last updated: 2025-01-27)
Full description: See detailed description
Updated: 14 hours ago

User reviews

Aplicația nu pornește pe un telefon ASUS ZenFone 9 cu toate update-urile la zi. Nu as vrea sa fiu nevoit să cumpăr un alt telefon doar pentru asta. PS: voi modifica ratingul după ce se rezolvă. LE: s-a rezolvat. Modificat în 5 stele.
by Popa Mircea, 2024-08-25

Este super! Imi intra banii in maxim 2 zile direct in contul meu, iar comisionul este foarte mic...insesizabil. 0.06%.
by Robert Badea, 2024-05-24
View all user reviews

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