Reviews of InspectMe

List of user reviews and ratings for InspectMe
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Date Author Rating Comment
Ronan Bent
Considering I can't even download the app because my Samsung S21 Ultra is "incompatible" I'd say it's pretty bad. Especially since it's use has been mandated. I am up to date on software.
Roxane McArdle
Such a great way to request job maintenance. During lockdown was also a great way of house inspection without anyone coming into your home. Use friendly
Brunette Avenger
Found it quite convenient and easy. I'm not the most tech savvy, but I found it easy to use. You take the photos live, so just make sure everything is clean and tidy! Admittedly I didn't add notes because in my situation I didn't need to, so I'm not sure if there's any complications there. It gives the tenant more control and it's more convenient for us, so I think it's great. Had no problems with the app. It does time out but retains the photos you've already taken. Happy with this app.
Davo Robbo
Doesn't use actual phone's camera, can't even have wide angle, actual view angle is horrible. Cannot upload pictures you've taken just recent with the better phone camera. Garbage app.
Colin Smith
Who ever wrote this program should be barred from doing this. I spent over 8 hours trying to get a verification email that is never sent. What a jokee," easy access" for who? I have told my agent NOT to use this app because of the frustration it causes. The owner should scrap this one & develope one that actually works. I have now uninstalled & will NOT be using again. Rating -10.
Brodie Fairhall
Constantly times out and requires me to login again. You have to use the in app camera and it somehow manages to make every photo look abysmal if you don't have the lighting of a photo studio (you can't see anything in a room that isn't bright).
Easy as. Negative reviews here make no sense - we just completed our first inspection and it was really simple to do. In fact, we prefer it to the agent coming through and taking their own photos (including just about every item of furniture we own) from a hundred angles, as we find how nosy they can be extremely intrusive.
Torin Stewart
This app requires a live internet connection as it uploads everything you do as you do it. Make a mistake and take a picture of your kid? They got it. Left a naughty picture out? They got that too. Accidentally walk too far away from your house for the pictures? The connection drops and you must login and do it again. This app is trash. Tell your landlord you're a human being not a commodity to be abused.
Tim Wesenick
Can't change camera settings while using the app. So many photos look too dark. Comments disappear or just half a word is saved.
Amy Stebbing
Such an awful app. My version shows the photos uploaded but my property manager can't see them so I'm uninstalling the app and reinstalling the app to do my inspection all over again, after every troubleshooting resolution possible. Super annoying.
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