Propel EBT & SNAP Benefits

Check EBT, SNAP, WIC balances, manage food stamps, and save money with benefits

Total ratings

4.73 (Rating count: 563,162)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Real-time balance updates for EBT and early deposits
  • Convenient access to balance without calling EBT number
  • Job opportunities and resources integrated within the app
  • Easy to use interface for checking balances and deposits
  • Ability to manage multiple accounts
  • Frequent network and connectivity issues
  • Limited transaction details; does not show spending history
  • Problems with survey payments; many users report not receiving payments
  • Complicated account setup process
  • Poor customer service response
Most mentioned
  • Network issues and app crashes
  • Difficulty in setting up accounts and navigating the app
  • Surveys not providing promised payments or compensation
  • Limited transaction tracking and information provided
  • Issues with customer support responses
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.70
All time rating average: 4.73
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Date Author Rating Comment
michelle estes
What a poor experience...just trying to set up an account was lengthy and difficult. It asked for items I didn't have and when you thought you were done, nope more questions.....when I finally did get in, no way to message worker or see if there's something due. If you think you'll see what the issue is if stamps aren't issues, fugget about it. Basically tells you amount left on card which you can get by calling. Useless app as far as Im concerned. Seems like devs put zero thought in for us
SimbiAni Love
Only shows balance & deposits, which are helpful, but never actual transactions ie spending, which is disappointing. I'd love if either a 3rdparty like this org, or the real DTA could make an app to ~track our purchases like any other card, to see when & where & how much & what is being spent on. Maybe it's a Massachusetts limitation?? Hope it improves!
Maria Hernandez
This is the best ebt/snap benefit balance update ever. It gives you balance information in real time. You can also add multiple accounts, it also works with a separate company for a debit card like a NetSpend & deposits early once payment is received it releases the money to you right away. It also gives you job opportunities in your area so it's all configured within the app I've used it for years and I like it very much. Try it!
Rob Smith
Love this app! I'm so glad they came out with this, it makes it so much easier to check your balance, and faster since you don't have to take the time to call the number to do that anymore. Plus it shows if you have any pending deposits, and when. As an added bonus, there's a link to look for jobs if you're looking for work or just unhappy with your current job. You guys rock, thank you so much!! #☝️ 🫶
Amarah M.
Dope app! I thought it was just a Food stamp/EBT App but I ended up getting a Visa Card & Account with them. It updates me about my EBT renewal dates, my account balance, they have job postings for work in my area, a section with posts full of resources, benefits, free trials on Apps, such as Hulu, SIRIUS Music, $6 on Amazon a month, %50 off on the walmart year long membership, plus much more! It's definitely worth the try!
Lannie Reinertson
Awesome app as far as when my direct deposit is available. Also very handy to have the EBT on this app. Makes it easy to keep track of my EBT spending. Would be five stars but the surveys they offer to get paid are sketchy and rarely do I get to finish one and get paid what they say. They always have a reason to get a bunch of information from you but then not actually letting you finish it to get paid.
Tristan Echols
Great app, but one issue I'm having. The other day an option popped up on the top of first page to add my OTC card to the app so that balance can be seen as well as the ebt. I didn't do it immediately because I was out at the store. When I checked the app later, that option was gone and I can't find any info about it at all. Hopefully it was just a leaked update coming soo that showed briefly, because that feature would be very welcome.
Miki Beardslee
Most of the time I can't remember where to find the lock card security toggles and end up taking forever searching for them. Transferring any money to this account has not been was easy or free. Wishing the contact information for each seller or merchant was included in the transaction detailsqp pages. Would be nice if there was a unauthorized transaction or file report, or disputes button. Many times i also wish I could use this app with Zelle. Or easily with Cash App, Pay Pal etc. Sometimes.
Heather Waits
Eevery card should have the option to load cash and send funds or receive from another person. Like that one other card but not thieves like them. Anyway, I've had more money taken out of my account that was never authorized. This month alone over 400. Why can't there be some way to be notified before every transaction goes through? Like a purchase was just made for x amount, did you authorize this? If yes it goes through if not it's blocked and no money comes out. I would even pay extra for it.
Carly Thomas
I absolutely love knowing my EBT balance without having to call and enter all info in over and over. The app itself offers so much, but I'm hooked on the surveys since you can get the instant cash out deposit of however much I make to my debit acct! I can't tell you how making a quick 5-10 in a day has helped me! XOXO Not sure I understand the name change. Personally, I thought that "Providers" fit best. But as long as that hollowed out orange is the image, I'll overlook the name change! 😁
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