Throne Rush

Most epic war strategy! Build your kingdom, lead mighty heroes & win battles!

Total ratings

4.38 (Rating count: 1,222,299)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Similar gameplay to popular games like Clash of Clans and Clash Royale
  • Beautiful graphics and fascinating stories
  • Has been enjoyable for long-term players
  • Gameplay mechanics allow for resource collection and army upgrades
  • Option to watch ads for in-game rewards
  • High dependency on microtransactions for progression
  • Difficulty and imbalance in opponent matching strategy
  • Costly upgrades and slow resource production
  • Insufficient ways to earn gems during gameplay
  • Technical issues such as connection problems during attacks
Most mentioned
  • Need for gems and builders is a common frustration
  • Challenges with upgrade costs and progression speed
  • Imbalance in Arena matchmaking leading to frustration
  • The game prioritizes monetary investment for competitive play
  • Complaints about misleading advertisements versus actual gameplay
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.10
All time rating average: 4.38
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Date Author Rating Comment
Devendra Meena
Hello, I am new member in this game but I played many games like this ....this game is similarly to "Clash of Clan" ...your game is good but there is one issue I think you should think about it....and the issue is related to "Gem" because we have already 2 builders but when we gain next builder the cost is 500 Gem and there is very lowest amount of Gem....we take mostly 5 Gem one day I think that is issue according to me.....but game is good....thank you...
Randy Cardoso Garcia
It has been nine years since I last played this game, and I am disappointed to find that the only way to make significant progress is through monetary investment. I used to hold this game in high regard, but its current state is disheartening. I had even given it a five-star review in 2015. Perhaps it would have been better to leave it as a fond memory. 😪
James Lovett
To hard for beginers, asked to fight superior army. Food and gold, never cover the cost of your army. Good to play , but give up after awhile, you ca alway start again, to many glitches,(groups wander in and out of control, not fighting so you lose fight) give it 3 out of 10. still no change,so no one ever reads these reports.keep.playingfor awhile, but giveup , then start again. would be nice to win and get food back enough to pay for the groups l lost. still 3 stars, maybe down to 2.
Hany Grace Tatang
Played again after awhile. Just 2 major things for now 1. Am still unhappy with how difficult it is now to upgrade heroes. Before we can upgrade them by using them in the arena. Also don't have to wait for days to buy shards to acquire new heroes. 2. Insane amount needed for upgrades don't really equate to the loot from the arena or the food/gold from the mills and mines. It will take u weeks to get the amount needed just to upgrade buildings costing 15m up etc
Mary Walker Alexander
I really enjoy playing the game been playing now for 10-plus years I'm at Castle level 17 and the only complaint I have is that they keep going up on the Catalyst package he started out at 3 99 and now it's 799 stop. You should include a package adjust Warriors to fight and not charge an arm and a leg to achieve it. And now a package I paid $4.99 for last week is $19.99 this week. So that means I will be deleting the game that I enjoy playing so much because it's all about the money
Reggie Barra
Good game, similar to Clash of Clans. Putting those sample images as advertisement is rather dishonest however. You don't defend with your troops, your troops also can't be in formation as you see in their advertisement, you just tap on a certain clear area of the map and that's it, your troops also cannot be stationed atop of walls as well as buildings. To sum it up, again a decent game, close to CoC, but nothing on their images advertising their game actually shows actual gameplay.
Sahanur Mondal
I have been playing this game for a long time. The issue i can say right now is opponent matching strategy. If you have upgraded your castle first you face very strong opponent with more artifacts than you. That way it's hard to win arena and even though you win will get less resources. So you have to wait for upgrade your army and buy artifacts to continue on same pace.
Richard Storm
This game is awesome but the only thing that sucks is there not really enough chances to get gems during gameplay you have too go do the tapjoy rewards type of B.S. to get some and half the time thats a complete waste of time and phone space and think the video speed ups for building should be out of chance say 10 min to 1 hour of build time and all the speed ups in between to an hour at random of course. It seems more worth it. But great game been playing this on and off for years.
Daniel Sîrbu
It's really similar to clash royale, not sure if you can say it's better or worse because it's still quite different. The system is pretty similar and the gameplay too, but it's more like TLoTR style? Maybe, idk, anyways it's more like fantasy and mythology so it's pretty cool, I played it before too and it is fun to play, I also like that the game has the mechanic to watch adds for stuff, but doesn't just pop ads in your face midgame, that's cool.
You pay money, you have fun and compete. You don't pay, you will not have fun at all. latterly, you have to pay for every thing, or you will not have chance to compete. Nexters, be more accurate and say, it is absolutely free to download, without paying money there is no chance to have fun or to compete,because the players will need months (almost a year) to upgrade the village, because in battles they will lose 3 times more than what they win (their soldiers and defenses always too weak)
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