
Passwordless Authentication and Authorization

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5.00 (Rating count: 6)
See reviews for Privakey on Google Play Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 5.00
All time rating average: 5.00

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Date Author Rating Comment
Katie Durkin
Easy to use and provides peace of mind!
Charles Durkin
Using passwords and multifactor codes to get into my important accounts is a huge hassle. Privakey solves the problem and keeps hackers out. I no longer have to worry about phishing and ransomware attacks on my Privakey protected accounts.
Mary Jane Durkin
Entering passwords and retrieving multifactor codes is a major headache when I try to do anything important online. Privakey solves the problem and makes logging in a breeze! Even better, my accounts are no longer susceptible to hackers.
Nick Vaccaro
I was able to quickly set up logging in to Google using privakey for my startup, and it's way easier and quicker than logging in with passwords or existing two-factor auth!
Mike Fisch
This app is wonderful. I can now enjoy my morning coffee without fumbling 13+ digit passwords to the numerous websites I have to log into each day for work.
harish ochbina
It's a short review but it matters and its easy to use and it combines more than application with one password.