Apartments by Apartment Guide

Your guide to apartments & rental homes. Find your next place to rent with AG.

Total ratings

4.60 (Rating count: 37,721)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Very easy to use and navigate
  • Provides a wide variety of listings
  • Good option for those on a fixed income
  • Helpful for finding affordable apartments
  • Allows users to set up tours easily
  • Listings often out of budget for many users
  • Difficulties with the filter options and accuracy
  • Lack of responses from property managers after inquiries
  • Limited to no information on neighborhood safety
  • App can be annoying with ads and interruptions
Most mentioned
  • Need for improved filtering options
  • High prices of listed apartments
  • Lack of affordable housing options
  • Frustrations with app glitches
  • Desire for better communication from landlords
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.10
All time rating average: 4.60
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Rating filters

5 star
53% (21)
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5% (2)
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15% (6)
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10% (4)
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18% (7)
Date Author Rating Comment
Tishzatelldarrell Black
Easy to use. Very simple to navigating and locating property that you are interested in buying.
Jeanne Lindquist
I live in the Northwest side of town and the apartments they have here are way too pricey and always will be. Apartments in other parts of San Antonio Texas are cheaper but I don't want to move to those other parts of town just to get stabbed or shot at. The prices for apartments and town homes has to be lowered on this side of town at least. Whoever is in charge of making up these prices for apartments and town homes, shouldn't be in that line of work anymore. Be fair with pricing everywhere.
Kenisha Bourne
Kenisha Bourne This app was so easy to use and find the perfect apartment that finds my needs according to my income.
Linda Arriaga
this app is very easy to use. gives you all the details about the place your interest in.
Kili Wern
trying to customize the filter to a surrounding area as opposed to a specific area wasn't possible. it would allow you to save your filter selection if three want any place with all your picked selections nor did it give you any other options close to what you would ideally want. very old-school, there is room for updates.
Steven Bell
these places help you find places and that you feel comfort in and feel at home
Jay Titus
Great with showing properties I'll know the real deal once I'm contacted back after all these tours requested
Tiffany Arena
there are a ton of places. I am yet to find my perfect affordable place but I'm sure this site will help
Magda Szymanska
Very easy app to navigate and set up tours. When it comes to the rest we will see.
great app for the ones look for a safe available place.
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