Price Check

Scan product bar codes to check prices

Total ratings

4.62 (Rating count: 1,655)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Easy to use and scan items
  • Helps compare prices across stores effectively
  • Useful for checking prices while shopping
  • Provides a variety of prices from multiple sources
  • Fast results with scanning
  • Limited functionality with certain stores (primarily Amazon and Walmart)
  • Frequent crashing issues
  • Problems with scanning accuracy and reliability
  • Requires personal information for account creation
  • Not comprehensive in grocery store listings
Most mentioned
  • Crashing issues
  • Limited to Amazon and Walmart
  • Difficulty in scanning various items
  • Need for account creation with personal info
  • Useful for comparing prices
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.90
All time rating average: 4.62
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Date Author Rating Comment
This one I liked it went the extra mile I was looking for an item and I couldn't find yet it eventually label it as online only and a clear explanation of what I needed to do a refund etc so yeah I recommend this one
Francois Botha
Not what it appears to be! Wants you to create an account and verify it with credit card info. Why? It's a running add. Be careful.
Andy Barnhart
Doesn't work on Galaxy A51. I use a diet app and scan bar codes fine with it, so it's the app, not the phone. I tried changing all sorts of settings included what is digested in the reply.
Valerie Schaefer
Downloaded it and it was working fine. Was really excited about how much it helped me price things. Then started crashing. 😟. Now it crashes every time.
Irma Figueroa
It's clear, it's fast, & gives you a variety of prices from highest to lowest. Exactly what I was looking for.
JLX Romo
Needs to include groceries stores. Useless and repetitive to other apps on the market.
A Google user
I'm a Walmart shopper and I'm able to price-scan most of the items before I actually buy them. It's a helpfu app.
A Google user
It will scan. But only bring up items that are or are not available at Walmart.
A Google user
Scanned an item in B&m store but never gave me their price,only ebay or walmart(?) No good to me.
A Google user
It is fantastic, I use this all the time to double check items for purchase.
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