Ma Web Mutuelle

Ma Web Mutuelle allows members to manage their reimbursements on the app.
"Ma Web Mutuelle" is a user-friendly Android app that simplifies managing your mutual health reimbursements. With this app, members can view refunds, share third-party payment cards, and ask questions easily. Users can send quotes and invoices to avoid overpayments, putting them in control of their mutual health management. Experience simplicity and efficiency with Ma Web Mutuelle as you take charge of your healthcare finances.
Downloads: 21,858
Version: 1.7.0 (Last updated: 2025-02-26)
Version code: 49
Creation date: 2023-01-04
  • android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE
  • android.permission.INTERNET
  • android.permission.POST_NOTIFICATIONS
  • android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE
  • android.permission.USE_BIOMETRIC
  • android.permission.USE_FINGERPRINT
  • android.permission.WAKE_LOCK
  • See more
Size: 31.48M
Full description: See detailed description
Updated: a day ago


User reviews

This app is one of the buggiest I've ever used. The developers obviously didn't bother to test it before publishing. Here are some of the bugs I noticed: 1. from the Home screen ("Acceuil"), tap "Ici, votre carte tiers payant 2024". It will take you to a blank page. 2. Tap the card, then "Generer le flash code", followed by "Partager le flash code". You should see an error popup. 3. Tap "Partager ma carte". You'll get an error popup. 4. Tap "Consulter sur la version PDF" shows an error popup.
by Robert Uomini, 2024-01-04

Pdf pas genere ou partage
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