Egyptian Presidency

The Official App of the Presidency of the Arab Republic of Egypt.

Total ratings

4.13 (Rating count: 828)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Informative and rich in content
  • Good design and user interface
  • Effective communication tool about government projects and initiatives
  • Positive sentiment about leadership and progress of the country
  • Access to historical information
  • Need for improvement in connection stability
  • Notifications need to be enlarged for better readability
  • Camera feature for sharing ideas is not functioning
  • Desire for more data from different ministries in one place
Most mentioned
  • Great app
  • Enlightening and informative
  • Proud to be Egyptian
  • Impressive design
  • Desire for further enhancements
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.70
All time rating average: 4.13
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Date Author Rating Comment
Mina Karam Adib
Great and important but need improvement in connection
Assem Hassan
Great app that shows in depth what development projects and programs and their progress plus more, happy with what we are achieving and hopping for more isa
M - B
One word..... "RESPECT" Mr President, you have exceeded your duty towards our country & its people by every way, and you saved the country from a certain damnation... Great app & very very enlightening. Waiting to see more & better. ربنا معاك و يعينك يا ريس ❤️
Amr Abdelhaleem
Need to enlarge the notifications so I could read it without opening it
Ahmed El-Shenawy
Great layout, rich in content and very informative. تحيا مصر
Nael Morgan
Greaat app. It shows you what highness the presidint does . Also I looove the historical castle VR experience.
Mohamed Demerdash
Brilliant idea. God Bless the Arab Republic of Egypt and its Blessed Leadership
Maro Moussa
Very nice communication tool to show what is happening and projects and decisions made by Egyptian president
Peter Talaat
Proud to be Egyptian. Just need enchantment and collecting other data of all ministries and show them in on place. Keep it up 👍👏
Flashroid TV
One of the best Egyptian apps that make Egypt always in the foreground
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