English Vocabulary Test

Learn English Words with this English Vocabulary App. Play Quiz on English Words

Total ratings

4.43 (Rating count: 702)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Helps improve vocabulary
  • User-friendly interface
  • Can be used offline
  • Fun and entertaining quizzes
  • Useful for competitive exam preparation
  • Numerous grammatical and spelling errors
  • Too many ads, particularly non-skippable ads
  • Limited vocabulary selection and inclusion of rare words
  • Lack of features and learning options for advanced learners
Most mentioned
  • Need for proofreading and correct language use
  • User experience affected by ads
  • Desire for more commonly used words in quizzes
  • Overall helpfulness for learning and testing vocabulary
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.30
All time rating average: 4.43
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Date Author Rating Comment
Scott Amsden-Smith
This is a good little app for testing and improving your vocabulary. However, the developers really need to have somebody proofread the questions and answers. They contain numerous grammatical errors as well as spelling mistakes. Does not show very much professionalism because of this.
Samriddhi Sahu
Great app to improve vocabulary. It has a very user friendly interface. Overall it's the best app I've ever come across for practicing vocabulary for competitive exams. Keep it up.
Genet Bisrat
It's like a game . A very good method of teaching English vocabulary . It's helping me a lot. Thank you so much !
aaliyah Rivera
I several.learn disabity. But l am definitely determine to learn as much as possibly .I am very. grateful because you want people to. learn and.achieve their goal to improve their English . Very curious about the dictionary part well l may not be able to learn all but am determine it's just challenge. I cannot even pronoun most of those word. But willing to learn. Their.lot people tell it's to hard found easier if listen all people l never teach read and write when 5 year old.
Mark A
Extremely annoying app. Questions too easy for me, and five second non-skippable adverts after each test. Nearly threw the phone out of the window in frustration, but just about managed to un-install instead. Phew.
Md Khairul
A very useful app, but for the convenience of understanding the Bengali translation setting is better.
Goodness Joseph
I found it helpful in preparing for my quiz competition...more words should be added a lot of words are not here.
Zahidul Islam
I cannot but rating. This is extremly helpful for anyone to expand vocab and facing different competitive exam.specially Word Smart book's words are available Thank you for spreading knowledge.
Abdoulie Trawally
I am honestly not acquainted in rating Five (5) star ⭐ to apps but this app serenely deserves it. I would wish for its kind for French language too. That will do good for me. Meanwhile, the developer had perfectly programmed it to my liking. Kudos 👌
Seema Dubey
This is nice app . But it should have contained more options of learning. It is good for pre learners .
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