Launcher Lite Small App

Quickly launch apps from anywhere without closing your current task.

Total ratings

5.00 (Rating count: 494)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Easy to use
  • Works great for quick launching apps
  • Good performance on various devices
  • Highly appreciated by users
  • Doesn't allow multiple apps to be displayed simultaneously
  • Takes time to load the launcher
  • Limitations in customization (like icon changes)
Most mentioned
  • App launching functionality
  • User appreciation for performance
  • Desire for more customization options
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.00
All time rating average: 5.00
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Date Author Rating Comment
امیر رحیمی
A Google user
The full version has favorites and works great!
A Google user
Plz add grid icon view
A Google user
Only option uninstall, so m doing
A Google user
Easy to use, and sometime it really help me a lot ... Thanks
A Google user
As soon as I open any app using this, it launches in full screen. I then have to use the Android task switcher to change between running apps, just as I've always been doing. Perhaps as my Sony already has 'small' apps built into its OS I don't actually need another launcher. Uninstalling until I find out it really can display any 2 apps simultaneously.
A Google user
it takes 1 second to load the launcher after opening the app; can you change the icon? It's ugly especially when the app is minimized.
A Google user
A Google user
A Google user
Thanks to developer. One of the must have application.
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