IELTS Practice Test

Learn and prepare for IELTS exam with IELTS Practice Test application

Total ratings

4.46 (Rating count: 7,197)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Helpful for improving listening and reading skills
  • Provides correct answers for wrongly answered questions
  • Useful exercises and materials for IELTS preparation
  • Good exam simulation with practice tests
  • Free app with valuable tips and tricks for studying IELTS
  • Frequent pop-up ads that disrupt the learning experience
  • Technical issues like app crashes and inability to navigate tests
  • Ads continue after purchasing premium service
  • Some bugs causing content access issues
  • Limited interactive features and feedback quality
Most mentioned
  • Ads are a major distraction and ruin the experience
  • Technical issues leading to app crashes and navigation problems
  • App is helpful for IELTS preparation
  • Frustration with poor customer support regarding paid features
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.40
All time rating average: 4.46
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18% (4)
Date Author Rating Comment
Rita Solomon
Quite simple and helpful .
Lemo Ahed
this app helped me to improve my listening skills thanks a lot 💐
altayyeeb I
Excellent app, straight forward and shows you correct answers to wrongly answered questions, with scores gotten from questions attempted. Only issue i have is the adds that pop up.
Sufian Ghuri2024
This app is quite essential for enhancing ielts band score, I have used it around 2 years.however, I faced the problem while I do reading modules, when I completed the task I can't read out the passage that I completed! It only shows answers page not question page. Please fix the problem...
Shahab Khan
It's incredible! I recommend others to use this one for IELTS preparation. However, it contains premium content,making it unaffordable for some. The application still has a plethora of tips and tricks for one who is preparing for IELTS.
Godwin Joshua
Very useful app I must confess, just a little issue. Sometimes it hangs and I can't scroll up or down. I'll have to end the session and then reload which automatically means loosing the previous session.
Sheikh Sadi
This app is really helpful. But there are some bugs that are creating issue. Sometimes it shows ads but instead of unlocking the content it just gets out of the app telling there is a bug and doesn't provide the learning. That is a thing that should be updated.
I absolutely love the app, BUT I'm already extremely nervous and worried about the exam in a few days time, the pop up ads gives me so much anxiety, and I keep accidentally pressing on the ad banner making me even more frustrated. Terrible ad placement and timing, ruins the entire experience, I had an answer in my mind for speaking and was typing and presses the ad banner accidentally and it launched the app, which broke my train of thought completely. Good free app but terrible ads
Sesa Siera
Nothing change after I completed the payment of it's premium service. It keep showing ads even after I restart, uninstall and reinstall again. Pls fix this or return my money!! ((Update: Their feedback button didn't work, had sent them email TWICE, AND still got no response. Why do you response this review as soon as possible but not doing the same with the email!!)) They are not serious in handling this situation. Bad apps. Bad service!!!
Too many advertisement. Im sorry to say to the developer as long as it is a learning app this amount of ads can make a huge distraction. I couldnt even concentrate on one question .loads of ads coming in to my screen while answering and focusing . Rather than great practices i will uninstall the app. it will be useless cause it will only eat your time and nothing to get from it.
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