PortSIP Softphone

A SIP-based phone to make and receive calls.

Total ratings

3.66 (Rating count: 1,807)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Works well with all networks and provides clear voice calls
  • No ads and straightforward interface
  • Reliable connection over Wi-Fi
  • Compatible with various VoIP providers and easy to set up
  • Frequent call drops and disconnections
  • Bluetooth issues and poor handling of incoming call notifications
  • Audio volume too low or some audio-related problems
  • Requires excessive permissions, including camera access
Most mentioned
  • Call connection issues
  • Battery drain due to the app running in the background
  • Problems with contact number formatting and dialing
  • Lack of features for managing background tasks and notifications
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.30
All time rating average: 3.66
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Date Author Rating Comment
David Yoder
Found a bug in the app that causes calls to drop. Spent a good deal of time debugging it personally, and reached out to the developer, who gave me the equivalent of a "go kick rocks" reply since I'm not using their paid server platform. Clearly not interested in quality control, based on this correspondence.
Zara Javed
Having issues with portsip. It keeps disconnecting. The enginer checked the vpn and everything else is fine but the app just doesnt keep me sign in from past 3 days
Karen Melissa Doorgapersad
i too am very dissatisfied with this app , same thing , we make calls and clients cant hear us and this is not good for business, its very unprofessional, please advise if theres and update in this regards ,
Masum Mia
Audio volume too low during call. And screen light don’t sleep when ear mood. Then Display light is dim. So it’s make a problem for touch screen.
Lawrence Reynolds
So far, the only app that works with all networks(with a slight settings change), my bluetooth, very clear voice calls. And always runs in the background for incoming calls..
Miguel Hora
Could you please help me with an issue ? I have Galaxy S23. I did everything to make sure PortSip is always running on background, no interruptions. I even put it permanentlly running on cellphone memory. Even tough, it keeps saying Portsip is offline. So I need to activate the app again. Could you help me to keep my line always available to receive callings ?
Tim G.
Bluetooth problems Samsung s23. Once engaged in a Bluetooth call it won't let go of the Bluetooth and other media apps can't play. Only force stop releases bt.
For use with asterisk-possible, after some researching. Provision is not perfect. will be better if full local QR without requirement of pushing something to web-services. Not provisioning automatical authname. Certificate check - not well to "self-signed" (no internal trust management - hash/root cert). On login reconfiguration - clear all params. Switch between output devices makes lag in sound.
Nicolas Corrocher
Works great over wifi, connection is stable. So far the most reliable softphone I have tried. Not a single issue while on a call. Two small issues/improvements: * for some reasons, sign-in over 4g doesn't work. It times out after a while (while it works with other softphones). * impossible to exit the app if interested only in outgoing calls. This unnecessarily drains the battery. I have to 'force close' the app after using, which is a bit of a pain.
Rashed un noor Rashed
You guys should work more on your app. Why I gave 1☆ The reason is: Your app read my contacts from my phone contact app. You see the default "Phone Contact" app automatically put a dash and minus(-) after "+880" like: "+880 xxxx-xxxxxx" in phone numbers. For this dash and minus(-) symbol your app can't make the call from saved contact. For this reason I have to manually dial those numbers before calling. You guys tell me what is the solution for this? I hope you understood what I explained here
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