English Grammar

Let’s become fluent English speakers with perfect grammar!

Total ratings

4.69 (Rating count: 11,666)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Useful for beginners and advanced learners
  • Helps prepare for English exams
  • Contains various practice questions and quizzes
  • Easy to use and engaging
  • Provides daily practice for improving language skills
  • Lacks updates for certain languages (e.g., Urdu)
  • Missing important grammar topics (e.g., subject-verb agreement)
  • Eye strain due to fading style in multiple choice tests
  • Inconsistent version numbers in settings
  • Need for night mode and better text size options
Most mentioned
  • The app is useful for learning English grammar
  • Lack of updates for certain language options
  • Desire for more comprehensive grammar topics
  • Eye strain from multiple choice test design
  • Request for additional features like explanations for mistakes
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.90
All time rating average: 4.69
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Date Author Rating Comment
Phu Phu
That's an awesome app for me. We can learn English grammar basically. Try it for self-study.
Min Sat Nyo
this is good application for the beginners
Azami Mehdi
The application is devoted particularly to those who are seeking to improve their grammar briefly and freely .As well as ,it is helpful to prepare yourself for having an English test exam .
Расулбек Жуманиязов
Assalamu alaikum respectful EGrammar app's team. I really appreciate you for this app and understandable and unforgettable topics. Good luck your work and study. Best wishes for you!
Snow Orange
I think this app is very useful and I could learn lots of English and there are many questions to answer when I practice with this app I always get good marks at my exam🤗😊💕👍🏻 By Snow
saba dehghansaran
Thank you for your efforts. This program is very useful and useful. It has helped me improve my language level. I suggest you to install it and engage yourself with the English language every day with a regular, light and continuous program. I have vocabulary, conversation, listening and grammar programs. I installed it and use it every day, hoping for your increasing success
Saqlain Ali
This app is very good I like it . But why are you not updating Urdu language in this app ?? I'm faceing this problem so please update Urdu language
This App is very useful and helpful me for learning English.If you give me free some facts , all learners and users will be HAPPY
Mahrukh Naseer
This app is amazing we can learn English from basic level to advance. Its helpful for preparing for English Exam.
Lor Veng An
I am a pro user. Fading style in multiple choice test is very bad for my eyes, can you change that style or make option to close that feature everytime I look at screen, when it fading out and in, it makes my eyes hurt and headache.
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