Reviews of Floating Tube

List of user reviews and ratings for Floating Tube

Total ratings

3.40 (Rating count: 2,229)

Review summary

  • Allows video playback with the screen off
  • Good for multitasking and studying
  • Can minimize videos to listen while using other apps
  • Decent video quality compared to competitors
  • Frequent ads that can disrupt user experience
  • No autoplay feature
  • Issues with floating window functionality
  • Playback speed settings cannot be adjusted
  • Some technical issues like crashing and playing wrong videos
Most mentioned
  • Need for autoplay feature
  • Floating window not functioning properly
  • Ad interruptions
  • Playback issues after some time of use
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for Floating Tube on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.20
All time rating average: 3.40
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Rating filters

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40% (8)
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20% (4)
Date Author Rating Comment
Just reinstalled and its not working as earlier. While searching anything and trying to play not is happening only page is refreshing,also minimize different size is not there earlier it was there. To minimize the screen to small smallest .
sherif gad
The application is not working for last 4 days mentioning error when playing any video
Praveena Bhakatha
Pretty good app, does have adds but understandable cuz the developer has to earn some money lol, ads only come when you press on a vid,like a 20 second ad comes and that's it, only thing is tho we need autoplay, that's my only recommendation, other than that very good app for gaming/studying
Kasthoory Prakash
This app doesn't work as a floting app. Its work as youtube. I identify this issue on today. Before its works perfectly. Any one have any solution ???
Bhumika Sahu
Am searching for this app from last two days finally got this ....Its helping me a lot bcz i need instrumental music to be played when i use to study and this app is making that possible to display over other apps ....Thanku so much ...
Jared Swanson
App is complete garbage it has so many issues with it I don't even know where to begin, not to mention the ridiculous amount of ads and the fact that I cannot adjust the video play back speed settings is repulsive. I uninstalled this app in less than two minutes after downloading it, don't waste your time! The developer should hang their head in shame!
Umesh Patel
Too good. I can minimise the video and just listen to songs or podcasts. Loving this amazing app.
Kaustuv Choudhury
Excellent. You can listen to video songs without having to keep the screen lights on.
supernoob 3000
I haven't found a problem bug or glitch yet. I think that some people are lying i would recommend using this app for listening music in background i use it daily when im sketching and enjoy musics at the same time good app overall worth downloading it
Amit Tiwari
Most of the time, i have observed that creaking sound in the videos, especially when i wear headphones. Let me tell you that there is no problem with the headphones and this creaking sound is also not persistent. Can you please check this issue?
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