MLB The Show Companion App

The MLB The Show Companion App provides a complementary experience for the game.

Total ratings

3.03 (Rating count: 1,040)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Ability to work the market and flip cards easily while away from the console
  • Alerts for transaction completions
  • Access to news and updates for the game
  • Allows for checking program progress and collecting cards
  • Frequent login issues, particularly with Xbox and PlayStation accounts
  • Face scan feature often does not work and leads to a looping screen
  • App frequently crashes or freezes, rendering it often unusable
  • Errors when trying to buy or sell cards, with messages indicating server issues
  • Inventory displays errors and shows repeated or incomplete cards
Most mentioned
  • Login issues and server errors
  • Malfunctioning face scan feature
  • Frequent crashes and app instability
  • Limited functionality when buying and selling cards
  • Problems with viewing full inventory and collections
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.50
All time rating average: 3.03
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63% (17)
Date Author Rating Comment
Colten Myers
After failing to get logged in to my playstaion account it says "Too Many Requests" Like I just tried Like 15 times! 1/10, don't recommend.
Michael Oakes
Face scan doesnt work at all. Just stays on an infinite white looping screen.
Golden Dodge
What was a really good app keeps getting worse and worse. Cards aren't showing up when you filter for them and what you actually have the app for you still have to take the extra time in game to do what you want or need to. This applies to buying and selling cards for any of the categories. You can tell this is from a SONY owned company more and more.
Mauricio Perez
Constant issues with loading collections, just keeps crashing and doesn't allow me to select more cards. Also face scan does a bad job scanning face and facial hair.
joseph steadman
I've played this game since like 07 enjoy it but the face scan app is trash I have no issues other games (2k even EA) face scans but this one is sad. Download the app camera just spins around thought we was in 2024 why is this so difficult
Kaleb Smoyer
Downloaded to do the face scan for MLB 24 and it never seems to work. I also have a brand new device so I seriously doubt it's my phone that is the issue lol anyways don't waste your time in downloading this junk of an app
george harvey
Absolutely useless. Downloaded to do the facescan, had to do a second download for the scan technology, then it just never finishes loading. Have tried on different days and at different times of day, just a white screen with a loading circle that never stops
Errors are a constant issue in this app. For example, if I'm not home, but I see that a flash sale is live, I can't buy any packs because whenever I attempt to buy any type of pack through this app it always says "an error occurred" and doesn't buy the packs. Needs plenty of work with this issue and with glitches noted by other users.
Tyler Munsterman
The app used to do everything that it said it could, but I can no longer look at my full inventory or starred players without it glitching and repeating cards I've previously seen. Along with that, because of the repeats, it shows you a shortened list of your true inventory. If it wasn't for that, I'd rate it 5 stars.
Vance Adams
Works great until it doesn't. Checking program progress, collecting cards, selling and buying are all solid features. Recently I'm getting errors when trying to change out the lineup though, that's pretty important given the season structure of the game.
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