Reviews of NM E-Tag

List of user reviews and ratings for NM E-Tag

Total ratings

2.95 (Rating count: 60)

Review summary

  • Allows users to manage their hunting tags electronically.
  • Can provide a convenient option for showing licenses and tags if functioning properly.
  • Frequent crashing and force closing issues after login.
  • Difficulties with displaying licenses, especially fishing licenses.
  • Complicated login process with reports of invalid username or password errors.
  • Requires uninstalling and reinstalling the app for licenses to show up, especially each year.
Most mentioned
  • App keeps crashing after login.
  • Cannot log out or access licenses due to token expired issues.
  • Invalid username or password errors when trying to log in.
  • App not user-friendly and has a buggy experience.
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.60
All time rating average: 2.95
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Rating filters

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60% (12)
Date Author Rating Comment
Davis D
Should have hunt regs on here for easy reference, but something that simple is way too much to ask.
Tim H
No matter how many times I close,open, and reinstall the app... I cannot get my fishing license to show up.
Tracy D
Could not logout. It would tell me " token expired "
Clay Kersey
App kept crashing after login. Reinstalled twice and same issue. Couldn't use the app at all and was worried about how I would use the eTag on my hunt next week. I finally went into settings and then to apps and allowed it to display over other apps and allowed alarms and reminders. It works now, but I shouldn't have to allow all of that that.
Cyrus Jiron
App keeps force closing just got a over the counter private land tag but now the app won't stay open
Mike Floor
the app will not stay open after I login and will not function properly even after several attempts to uninstall and reinstall. it is a broken app.
Zechariah Hines
Constantly crashes after being opened can't logout even after uninstalling and reinstalling.
Wesley Martinez
Awesome experience getting my first bird. Now let's try for the 2nd
Practical Andy
Need to use this app better. Add fishing licenses on here. Its 2022, we all have a phone in our pocket. Holding paper is dated.
Gayle Simpson
Keeps stopping app. Closes app. before I can complete.
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