
Manage your images and videos, photo manager with photo vault and gallery lock

Total ratings

4.25 (Rating count: 16,441)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Ability to lock pictures with a password for privacy
  • Good for transferring and viewing Samsung picture albums
  • User-friendly editing tools for pictures
  • Excessive and intrusive ads that disrupt usage
  • Photos and videos often get deleted without notice
  • Poor user interface and functionality, making basic tasks difficult
Most mentioned
  • Intrusive ads appearing during photo viewing
  • Photos disappearing from the locked folder
  • Inability to delete specific photos easily
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.00
All time rating average: 4.25
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Date Author Rating Comment
Anthony Carter
too many ads
Linda Fasken
There's a few adds but it works amazing and you can lock some pictures with a password for private stuff
Cody Homister
ads in the middle of scrolling photos or albums are incredibly annoying
Mhm Hazoon
my important photos wich are stored in locked folder everything is disappeared suddenly its very disappointing me
Shivona Moodaliar
Pictures automatic get deleted from the gallery without a trace. This is ridiculous
Brian Hillebrand
it's stupid that every app now has pop up ads. I get it, if I installed the app, but why do I have to have pop up ads for the apps that came with the phone?
michael cogan
It's a great app to bring over Samsung picture albums, but no option to buy an add Free version and the adds are infuriating. Would give 5 stars if they had the option to buy add free...
En Rik
forced ads. doesnt let you delete anything. doesnt let you see your own gallery. horrible user interface. someone needs to delete this mistake from existence
Johnathan Lehrbass
to many ads in my opinion, but other than that, it has everything I wanted
Dee Erb
I hate that I cannot turn off the ads when I access the gallery. Never had that issue on my Samsung phones. so disappointed in this app
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