Reviews of Punjab Food Authority (Officia

List of user reviews and ratings for Punjab Food Authority (Officia
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Recent rating average: 1.60
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91% (21)
Date Author Rating Comment
MAhmad Khokher
Complaints issued good but otp not received
Saad Furqan
Not opening and proceeding for sign up or any display of app
Mdtech fakecompany
Pin code not generated.
Arshiya Shakeel Wajeeha
This application doesn't send any code to my sim that's why I am unable to sign up
Arsalan Mustafa
Same "No OTP Receiving". Tried From Both App & Web.
Zohaib Ahmad
I was created my account in your app. for now I were not receiving opt codes in my registered number that why I'm not able to login your app please tell me what can I do
Asadullah Ahmed
AOA all, this application is not doing 2 factor authentication. So we can't login to make any complaints. Unfortunately, apart of govt application, all applications are working and never stops.... Here, who cares... This application doesn't work even we are online... Best Regards, And hopefully for the best.
Jawaid Raza
Privacy Issue. Accessess location collects information that tracks where you go. Open the camera and take photos that could compromise the privacy.
Omar Farooq
Poorly designed app. It does not allow you to register as a user. OTP system doesn't work. You cannit register a complaint either.
shahzada asim Sohail
Very pathetic app. Very very poor and bad experience No sign up. Date of Birth selection is very poor n lengthy process.
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