Plant identifier from photo

Plant identification app by photo. Identify plants and trees with camera lens.

Total ratings

3.98 (Rating count: 6,754)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Easy to use with photo feature
  • Great application to learn about many types of plants
  • Accurate and reliable when it works
  • App frequently crashes or fails to open
  • Cannot identify stored images, only new ones
  • Struggles with stability and user interface issues
  • Long loading times and unresponsive behavior
Most mentioned
  • App crashes or does not open
  • Inability to identify plants accurately
  • Problems with loading and responsiveness
See reviews for Plant identifier from photo on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.80
All time rating average: 3.98
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80% (16)
Date Author Rating Comment
Maureen Ballygowan
Easy to use..just take a photo. Excellent
korrinna waites
I had just tried to open this app and it does not work it immediately kicks me out when I click on the camera
Bell J
You need to be still just to see a name, it keeps flickering the name so you can't really even see it. Also has Ads.
Gad Zehavi
Can't check existing photos, only take new ones.
Roberto Delgado
A great application to learn about many types of plants.
Alexandra B
It just opens the camera, there is nothing else.
Pete Turner
App loads, then immediately just stops, making it completely unusable.
Vijay Aditya
Are not getting immediate mail confirm may be sent ..that too how long it takes time to send not known
Rare PlanesDotCom
Totally useless. Can't identify from stored image
Rupali Kulkarni
This app is not opening.. tried several times so finally uninstalled
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