English thesaurus

Meanings & definitions of words in English with examples, synonyms, ...

Total ratings

4.20 (Rating count: 105)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Very helpful for learning new words
  • Easy and fast to use
  • Detailed explanations of words
  • No ads in the app
  • Interesting features like 'word of the day'
  • Sometimes functions more as a dictionary than a thesaurus
  • Some users find it useless or difficult to use
  • Issues with content updates or advanced features
Most mentioned
  • Helpful for understanding words
  • Useful for learning and improving English
  • Contains detailed word explanations
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.30
All time rating average: 4.20
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15% (3)
Date Author Rating Comment
Austin Uwuseba
Very thrilling and interesting to read
Moe Htet Htet Aung
It's an american accent dictionary. Should change your profile pic.
Mohammed Zaheer Khan
One of the most useful and interesting application. I am impressed with the content. Please update your information to the advanced level of service. Good luck πŸ€ πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€
Mohamed Didi
Easy and fast...very helpful
Ezechukwu Patrick
Works as a dictionary instead of a thesaurus
Jq ArL
Excellent dictionay thesaurus since many dictionary mention the synonym without explanation..
A Google user
this is the best thesaurus app i ever felt, thank youuu:)
A Google user
Rogets Thesarus is valuable and helpful dictinary one can use to find approprite words or phrases while writing. We should thank Roget for spending his life to compile this valuable dictionary. Bhasker Raj Bangalore India
A Google user
Great app! learning words become interesting.
A Google user
This app is very very good, it makes me understand which ever word I search for, I recommend it for anyone who wants to learn new words and also understand any word they search for😘😘
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