PDF Converter: Convert Files

All-in-one PDF converter: Convert PDFs to documents, images, and more formats.
See reviews for PDF Converter: Convert Files on Google Play Store

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Sharon Crotz
works well just the epub conversion not working
Dr.Wazir Ahmad
Randy Baggett
As soon as I opened the app, it said I had used up my credits. It's a scam.
Tatang D. Hubert R.
O my God! What kind of useless app is this? Without even translating anything, they tell you that your free conversion credit is already used up, then you're asked to watch an Ads before converting, the next thing you're told after clicking is that no ads is available, yet you can't convert. Please remove it from the store if you can't allow people use it for what you claim it can do. Please take it down, stop wasting users data and precious time.
Deepak Jagtap
Not easy way