PDF Reader - Viewer & Editor

View, edit, and manage PDF files all in one with PDF Viewer Anywhere

Total ratings

4.72 (Rating count: 130,011)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • User-friendly interface
  • Automatic cropping feature is convenient
  • Good editing features
  • Helps in file management and reading PDFs
  • Works well on mobile devices
  • Frequent ads, even with a paid subscription
  • Repetitive language selection prompt
  • Issues with viewing and opening PDF files
  • Potential scams in advertising
  • Slower performance when locating files
Most mentioned
  • Frequent ads
  • Language selection on startup
  • User-friendly interface
  • Difficulties with file opening
  • Need for better performance improvements
See reviews for PDF Reader - Viewer & Editor on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.30
All time rating average: 4.72
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63% (66)
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14% (15)
Date Author Rating Comment
Abraham Wilson
Hey there! I just wanted to drop in and give you a quick shout-out for doing an amazing job. Keep up the great work, and keep pushing forward.
Niharika R N
It's ok good but everytime I open the app it shows to select a language which irritates me
Edward Ayub
excellent and so vivid in capturing documents. Automatic cropping is wonderful where we users need not spend much time. Awesome.
lou kwo
This is easy to understand as it is quite automatic once it has been installed. I seldom use the PDF as I have retired and inactive for some years but I must learn the modern technology to file something for future reference or follow-up. Thanks to this app available for learning about file management and printing when required. Great app.
Edward Allen Horse Breaking and Training
I have no idea what this is, but it won't quit popping up on my phone. Hopefully by rating it, it will stop.
Sbhekokuhle Ndlovu
When I read something and not finish it it starts over and everytime I open the app it always asks me the language even if I've put in before
Mohit Kumar
Fake advertisement, not any kind of similarities in real app and app in ads .
Fatima Siddiqui
I love it so much you have to go on this app and use it for children's this is very nice we have to be only open this app Android the word
Yvonne Lemon- Heigh
I just want to read my files, I ve been on here almost an hour and am still not able to read any of it, keeps telling me app out of date. It's driving me nuts
Scott Snadow
This app was pitched to me by a scammy deceptive ad. That speaks VOLUMES about the legitimacy of the app itself. "A newer version is available" "PDF App is Outdated." "PDF files can't open on your Android." "How to Fix:" "Step 1: Click the "Update Now" button below;" "Step 2: You will be redirected to the Google Play;" "Step 3: Install Update PDF ,open it and run the PDF for free." "Update Now"
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