Dino Jurassic Hunter World

Travel among Jurassic World and Become the master dinosaur hunter

Dino Jurassic Hunter World - Become a Dinosaur Hunter

"Dino Jurassic Hunter World" is an exhilarating Android app where players travel to a hidden Jurassic island to hunt iconic dinosaurs, from gentle stegosauruses to formidable T. rexes. Engage in diverse missions, employ various hunting techniques, and face waves of predators in new gameplay modes. Master the art of dinosaur hunting while uncovering the beauty and danger of the Jurassic world, transforming you into a true hunting expert. High-stakes challenges await on your journey to become the ultimate dinosaur hunter.
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App stats

Downloads: 4,859
Version: 0.0 (Last updated: 2022-06-25)
Creation date: 2022-06-17
Full description: See detailed description

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Not available on Edge

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