Solar Smash

The Ultimate Cosmic Destruction Simulator

Total ratings

4.57 (Rating count: 1,599,900)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Great graphics
  • Fun and addictive gameplay
  • Easy to unlock features
  • Variety of weapons and destruction mechanics
  • No intrusive ads
  • Issues with orientation lock leading to crashes
  • Game can become repetitive over time
  • Need for more regular updates
  • Lack of deeper gameplay mechanics or challenges
  • Occasional bugs affecting gameplay
Most mentioned
  • Graphics are wonderful
  • Ads are short and not intrusive
  • Game lacks long-term replay value
  • Orientation lock problems
  • Destruction mechanics are enjoyable
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.00
All time rating average: 4.57
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Date Author Rating Comment
Zion Bethea
This game is so fun. I wish I downloaded it earlier. It is like so far. The graphics are wonderful. Bt one thing that they should ask for everyone is no ad ever to get free. No, add ADS forever. I feel like that would be good so ever. I can unlock the like. All the stuff cause like if you have ADS, it's going to take forever. And this is really good and like it's like really cool.I like I would play this on a daily basis.I wanna get I.Would I would play this game every single day?41 bug in the
Good game but I have orientation lock on, but it ignores that setting and doesn't have orientation lock in the app settings either, making it extremely difficult to play when laying down. This wouldn't be a problem if it weren't for the fact that it rotates to portrait mode when my phone is upside-down, so no matter which way I rotate it, it's always going to sideways when laying down.
Kimberly Moret
This keeps me focused so much. This is just so fun and addictive. For me, ads are short if there are any. This keeps getting a lot of updates (during the time I played it). The only annoying thing is the "PlaNet SmaSheD" thing, After you destroy a planet, please remove it. Other than that, great game :)
AMAZING game. The graphics are good, and the secret planets are unique.There is one bug though, sometimes when you open the settings for a weapon, it shows no options and you can't click off,so you have to restart the game. But other than that, I really recommend it.
Clark Owen
seems like a fun game, but it has an overwhelming flaw. the app does not respect the orientation lock. this wouldnt be much of a problem, except that whenever it switches from landscape to portrait or vice versa, the game completely crashes. sometimes though, if you are lucky, itll just fail to adapt proportions and all you need to do is return to the previous orientation to keep playing, but usually it crashes. i just wish it would respect the orientation lock for goodness's sake.
Atlas Hannan
Great game, lots of fun, but not nearly enough updates. It's fun for a while until you've destroyed every planet, used every weapon, found all the secret planets, then it gets boring, then you get an update, and the cycle repeats. If the game had a stronger flow of updates that somehow improved gameplay and added new items, it would end that cycle. Otherwise, it's a pretty fun game for a while.
Ayden Hathaway
Definitely a really good game, just one thing, system smash has a few bugs, one bug is the black hole for some reason when you try to move something like the main star or a planet, if you placed a black hole, it might just go straight to where you clicked, other than that, it's still really fun and I really recommend it, I just wish there was a way to place more stars, that would be sick to create a binary star system.
Anthony Guzzo
Great little toy. I've messed around with it for several years and finally got the ad-free version. It's easy to unlock everything, and it has a good amount of stuff to do. It's definitely got a free to play element to entice you to keep watching ads, but it's not invasive or necessary. I only wish that there would be more stuff added to do over time. Definitely not essential, it's fine as is, but given the nature of it being a free-to-play game, it has potential for new content being beneficial
Rilriia Kilurden
Eh... Great idea, mediocre execution. (Yes, that was a pun.) Tutorial had to be skipped due to bottom ad interfering with the buttons. Planet destruction progresses so slowly that it feels more like an effort to waste time so people don't realize the forced ads are at least equal to content that has merit. Good job on giving players the ability to opt out of data mining. That's the reason it warrants three stars instead of two.
Scott Henry
Brilliant! I can't get enough of this game. Straight up choose a planet/moon/sun or customize a planet to your liking/ then ultimately blow it to smithereens with multiple weapons at your fingertips. As someone who grew up with an Atari 2600 i can appreciate (and prefer) more of the move and shoot only aspect. Simplicity at its perfection. Graphics are fantastic!!
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