Tiny Browser Pro

A simple tiny web browser. Multiple tab, private incognito mode & accessibility.

Total ratings

4.30 (Rating count: 20)
See reviews for Tiny Browser Pro on Google Play Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.38
All time rating average: 4.30

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5 star
75% (6)
4 star
13% (1)
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1 star
13% (1)
Date Author Rating Comment
Q Bert
I had to lower my rating from 5 stars to 1 star after discovering that the app leaks information about your phone activaties to five companies, that includes Google and Facebook. The app is nothing more than spyware.
Q Bert
I truly enjoy the app, and I believe it's well worth the £1.59 price. My only complaint is that you can't alter the browser's color from the bright radioactive green. Aside from that, it definitely deserves a five-star rating. Now, all you need to do is create a lightweight video and photo editing app!
Mark S.
Well worth the use. Very highly recommend as an alternative chromium browser. Extremely small footprint and no unnecessary bloat. Does block ads with no issues. No heavyweight extensions to add though. Renders lightning fast. Easy UI. Great browser!!!
Rick Peters
I Love This App So Easy To Use Fun To Work With
Love it!
Minche Leshovski
Tiny is tiny but it covers all you need for fast and stabile browsing, I like it a lot.
Sreejith M R
Very tiny. Good browser. loved it
Janie Squier
It's fast. Pages display beautifully, and it is the easiest way to copy the exact link you want from Facebook- love that! Love the save to printer, which produces a pdf copy. Please add a way to selectively delete history and cookies ( not everything all at once)plus categories for bookmarks, and it's a five star app for me. Thank you!