Reviews of PGO Driver

List of user reviews and ratings for PGO Driver
See reviews for PGO Driver on Google Play Store
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83% (10)
Date Author Rating Comment
rob McNeil
Chappies app ever I have customers stalking me because they get where your driving from and your name from the app. Tendering orders also glitches out 9 out of 10 times.
Prince Z’s Shorts
I HATE this app for so many reasons
Person or persons who created this application should be banned from programing. Total disaster
Simon Chung
Why the hell they want this app anyway if they can set it up properly! The app can't be loaded on my Motorola phone 90%of the time,
Navpreet Singh
App keeps loading. Have to force stop multiple times to make it show me deliveries
Lev Manou
Not good at all.
one of the buggiest worst apps I have ever been subjected to. please improve.
Dirk K
Phone number doesnt exists, yet sends me a code . And yes my number is in the mobile section. Garbage app
Sheldon Adcock
An extra unneeded barrier in getting deliveries out of the store. In the drop down menu clicking the "help" button doesn't give any help whatsoever, and just tells you to ask your manager for more info. The "training videos" button takes you to a Vimeo page that does not exist. The fact that only customers that have downloaded the app can see where their order is really makes me question why this app is necessary. its upsetting that it is constantly tracking drivers even when app is closed.
G.C. Bennett
As another reviewer stated, having to close and reopen the app every time an order is assigned is a tedious process. An option on the app to simply refresh the assigned delivery list is greatly needed. Hopefully someone from IT is reading this.
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